TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (4/13-4/19)

2023-04-13 09:26:27

1. Larissa Krysiek: In Light And Shadow

April 15, 6-9PM
Positive Space Studios: 3520 W Fullerton Ave

2. Maggie Bridger: Crafting Care

April 15, 2-4PM
Curb Appeal Gallery: email [email protected] for address

3. Susan Pasowicz

April 14, 6-10PM
RUSCHMAN: 4148 N Elston Ave

4. Paul Somers: Inevitable scar

April 14, 6-9PM
Ignition satellite space: 2233 S Throop St, #421

5. Marcelo Eli Sarmiento: Love Yours

April 14, 6-9PM
Baby Blue Gallery: 2233 S Throop St, Room 518

Also this week is Expo Chicago and the Barely Fair.

Hey Chicago, submit your events here.


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