Top NWO news: EU intends to introduce new sanctions against Russia by February 24, EU and US politicians called for sanctions against Sobchak and Kirkorov, Putin said how Russia will respond to Western threats – February 2, 2023

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Vladimir Putin said that in response to the actions of the West, Russia will not be limited to the use of armored vehiclesPhoto:

On February 24, 2022, on the orders of Vladimir Putin, a special military operation began on the territory of Ukraine, almost seven months later, on September 21, the president signed a decree on the beginning of partial mobilization, and on October 19, on the introduction of martial law in the LPR, DPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. On October 28, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the end of partial mobilization.

Every evening we tell you about the main events of the past day related to the special operation. Today we sum up the results on February 2.

The European Union plans to introduce a new package of anti-Russian sanctions by February 24. This is reported by the publication AFP with reference to the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

“We will introduce, together with our partners from the G7, an additional price ceiling for oil products from Russia by February 24,” the head of the European Commission quotes the publication.

On February 2, Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Kyiv on a working visit for the fourth time since the outbreak of hostilities.

A group of politicians from the European Union, the United States and Ukraine called on the EU to impose sanctions against Ksenia Sobchak, Philip Kirkorov, Igor Krutoy, Steven Seagal and several other people who, in their opinion, support the special operation. According to the Euractiv publication, the initiative group has already sent a letter with a corresponding demand to Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (Sweden is the chairman of the EU Council).

In addition to the persons mentioned above, politicians demand that the head of Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin, CEO of Rosatom Alexei Likhachev, leader of the Russian Union of Afghan Veterans Franz Klintsevich, and former State Duma deputy Magomed Gadzhiev be included in the sanctions lists.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in an interview with TV journalist Dmitry Kiselev, said that Russia’s goal is to push Ukrainian troops to a distance that is safe for its territory.

“The more long-range weapons will be supplied to Ukraine, the further they will have to be pushed back,” Lavrov said.

The Foreign Minister also stressed that everyone wants a settlement of the conflict, but “not the timing is important, but the result.”

Other statements by Sergey Lavrov:

  • The West is preparing Moldova for the role of the “new Ukraine”, but Russia will cope with the current situation on its own and come out of it stronger;
  • at this stage, Russia is acting in the same way as its Western colleagues promised – “there must be victory on the battlefield, this is their formula, it was they who refused to negotiate”;
  • Russia did not ask for help from its allies in the Collective Security Treaty Organization – Russia has everything it needs “to solve the tasks of a special military operation.”

A teacher at the State Trade and Economic University in Kyiv was fired due to “non-compliance with language laws.” This was reported by the press service of the university.

– The university received an appeal from students and materials about a violation by a teacher Ivanchenko N. A. pedagogical ethics. – The administration decided to dismiss her.

Earlier, a video was circulated on social networks in which students asked the teacher to give a lecture in Ukrainian, and she began to reproach them in response.

The Central District Court of the city of Sochi found a local resident guilty of publicly displaying extremist symbols for posting an inscription in Korean on WhatsApp, which translates as a greeting to an extremist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

“The woman posted in the messenger an inscription in Korean, the translation of which is an established attribute of greeting extremist organizations whose activities have been recognized by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation,” the joint press service of the courts of the Krasnodar Territory said in a statement.

According to Kommersant-South, this is the slogan “Glory to Ukraine”, which is used as a greeting by neo-Nazi organizations recognized as extremist in Russia.

The woman pleaded guilty in full and asked for a minimum sentence. The court sentenced her to a fine of 2,000 rubles. The court ruling has not entered into force.

Consideration of the draft law on the release of fathers with many children from mobilization is scheduled for March 2023. Nina Ostanina, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, wrote about this on her Telegram channel.

– Feedback, suggestions and comments will be accepted in the State Duma Committee on Defense until February 22 2023, — wrote Ostanina. — The term for preparing the bill for consideration by the State Duma in the first reading is March 2023.

Nina Ostanina and her colleagues submitted a bill on deferment for fathers with many children to the State Duma on September 28, 2022. The initiators propose to amend the Federal Law “On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation” and to include the following points in the law:

  • exemption from partial mobilization of fathers who have not four, but three or more children (including two children under 18 and a wife whose pregnancy is at least 22 weeks);
  • raise the age of children to 18 years, and for children studying full-time education – up to 23 years.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a concert dedicated to 80th anniversary Battle of Stalingrad, said that Russia “is again threatened by German Leopard tanks” and the country has something to answer.

– Incredible, but true – we are again threatened by German Leopard tanks. They have crosses on their sides. But we have something to answer, and the use of armored vehicles will not end the matter. Everyone should understand this,” Vladimir Putin stressed.

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the statements of the head of state, noted that “Russia will make fuller use of its potential.”

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Vladimir Putin said that in response to the actions of the West, Russia will not be limited to the use of armored vehiclesPhoto:

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