Top Holiday Destinations for Jura Arc Residents: Spain vs Turkey – Summer 2023

2023-07-22 14:14:00

Spain or Turkey: the most popular holiday destinations for residents of the Jura arc this summer. The GAVNAJ, Grouping of Neuchâtel Travel Agencies and the Jura Arc, notes that the population once more wants to go abroad, following a few years marked by restrictions linked to the coronavirus pandemic. If the agencies in the region find customers, they also often have a slightly larger budget for their 2023 summer holidays, according to Nathalie Chuat, member of the GAVNAJ committee: “This is what we notice, some customers also tell us directly. I think the situation will return to normal in the next few years. »

Agencies find colors

While the number of trips abroad seems to be back to pre-pandemic levels for the Swiss, travel agencies are also reconnecting with customers. On the committee of the Group of Neuchâtel Travel Agencies and the Jura Arc, Nathalie Chuat remarks that she and her colleagues are once once more more in demand, since the restrictions linked to Covid-19 have disappeared or almost: “We did a small survey in the agencies. We are not quite at the pre-Covid figures yet, but there is demand, we are quite reassured. We also notice that many people are turning to agencies once more. »

The increasingly popular train

If we are to believe the figures, the Swiss have an affinity with train travel! A study published by LITRA showed that in 2021, the Swiss had an average of 48 train journeys per inhabitant. And last year, the SBB recorded 500,000 night train journeys, a record. Willingness to travel more sustainably, less far, is a trend that seems to be emerging, according to Nathalie Chuat, member of the GAVNAJ committee: “There is indeed a demand from people who want to avoid flying when possible. But we notice that the demand is stronger than the offer. There are improvements to be made in terms of price and performance. Currently it is insufficient, and some people have to fall back on theft despite everything” regrets Nathalie Chuat.

A study recently published by Greenpeace shows that in Switzerland, the train is more expensive than the plane for 70% of connections. According to the organization, the absence of kerosene taxes and other climate-damaging subsidies for the airline industry are distorting aviation prices. /cto-tna

#pandemic #tourism #picking



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