Top Foods that Contribute to Belly Fat: How to Avoid Them for a Healthier Lifestyle

2023-06-23 11:38:42

Research indicates that belly fat can pose a threat to your health, by causing complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and liver and kidney problems, so it is important for people to be aware that there are certain foods that contribute to an increase in this fat.

Genes play a role in where your body stores fat, and your eating habits can affect fat storage as well, depending on the types of food you choose, portions and timing.

Among the foods and drinks that play a role in increasing belly fat:


Commercially prepared pastries often contain excess sugar and come with a large number of calories. For example, muffins and croissants are a source of trans fat, which is an inflammatory nutrient and can give you belly fat. Trans fats are used as a cheaper alternative to butter in making commercial pastries, and have been shown to increase inflammation and cardiovascular disease (CVD), among other diseases. If you’re craving pastries, try making them at home with a better quality fat, such as olive oil.

Soft drinks

One can of regular soda contains regarding 40 grams of added sugar, an amount that exceeds the American Heart Association’s daily recommendation. This excessive sugar entering the body, can lead to insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. Drinking soft drinks in excess leads to weight gain, and encourages the conversion of excess calories into fat. While soft drinks are the most common sugar-sweetened beverage, other sweetened beverages, such as juices, energy drinks, coffee and sweet tea, may also be culprits of belly fat. If you’re looking for “soda,” try unsweetened soda.

Microwave popcorn

Popcorn, which is sold in bags and is prepared by placing it in the microwave, is one of the worst foods that cause inflammation and belly fat, according to what was mentioned by the “Eat This” website. This popular snack does contain one thing, fiber, but it’s often accompanied by high amounts of sodium and trans fat. Trans fats can lead to inflammation and belly fat, but excess sodium intake can also lead to inflammation and increased body fat.

Dietary supplement panels

Although these options make it easy to get calories in between meals, they often don’t contain the best ingredients. Many of these bars contain sugar, which increases the risk of inflammation and belly fat. The bars also contain trans fats and little or no fiber in some varieties. Look for options with less than 5 grams of added sugar, no trans fat, and at least 3 grams of fiber. Better yet, replace eating these bars by preparing healthy snacks at home, such as a turkey bacon and a piece of low-fat cheese with an apple, along with a dollop of peanut butter.

French fries

“Chips” are foods that cause inflammation and increase belly fat. Commercial French fries are known for their sodium content, and this salt can lead to inflammation and obesity. Trans fats in them also lead to the same negative effects. Options cooked in non-hydrogenated oils will help you avoid trans fats. As a general rule, if you see “hydrogenated oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil” in the ingredient list, it’s likely that some trans fat is in your potatoes.
#Beware #it. #foods #inflammation #increase #belly #fat



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