2023-09-20 11:30:30
Sleep disorders are one of the problems that many people around the world suffer from.
The cause of this problem may be due to several factors, including stress, psychological stress, extreme heat, advanced age, and suffering from some diseases.
In addition, the foods that people eat daily may play a major role in their inability to get good sleep, according to what a number of sleep experts have confirmed.
The American New York Post newspaper quoted these experts as saying that these foods are:
Chocolate contains high levels of caffeine, so eating it may significantly affect people’s quality of sleep.
Sleep experts also say that caffeine consumption can cause frequent rapid eye movement (REM) movements during the latter stages of sleep, which is why people who eat a lot of chocolate are more likely to feel dizzy when they wake up in the morning.
Cheese and processed meats
Some cheeses and processed meats contain high levels of tyramine.
Experts explained that “tyramine causes the adrenal gland to secrete a hormone known as (the fight-or-flight hormone), which increases stress, concentration, and alertness for several hours.”
Curries and spicy foods
Curries and other spicy foods contain high levels of capsaicin.
This chemical raises the body temperature by interfering with the body’s thermoregulation process, which in turn leads to sleep disruption.
This is in addition to the high levels of energy required to digest spices, which may lead to insomnia.
Some foods affect sleep quality (DPA)
Ice cream and sugary foods
Experts say that eating sugary foods, such as ice cream and candy, at night causes blood sugar levels to rise initially, and then to fall during sleep.
They noted that “low blood sugar alerts the adrenal gland to the presence of an emergency, which in turn leads to an increase in cortisol levels and awakens the body from slumber.”
Potato Chips
It is known that excessive salt consumption leads to dehydration and increased water retention, which may cause fatigue and exhaustion.
While this may seem beneficial for a good night’s sleep, a study conducted by the European Society of Endocrinology found that salty snacks lead to sleep disturbance.
Instead, experts warn that salty foods, including potato chips, should be avoided for two to three hours before bed.
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