2023-10-12 14:44:56
Aged 5, this offspring of Toronado has now reached full maturity. Left to rest from May 28 to August 1, it is currently gaining strength and will present itself here with a significant freshness advantage. If he remains unconfirmed on straight tracks, the shortening of the distance should hardly pose any problems for him. Entrusted to the experienced Gérard Mossé, he deserves the greatest respect. His mentor told us: “Poet (3) needed to run because it had been two months since he had been seen competing. This outing did him the greatest good and I believe he is able to show his true colors. My main concern remains its suitability for straight lines because it has many more references with turns. But be careful, he has already run well in a straight line!”
The Trasno (2) had long put on a show in the benchmark quinté on September 16, here, before being attacked in the last hundred and fifty meters. This protégé of Bruno de Montzey should quickly find himself in the battle and, once once more, go very far. Khan (12) has shown himself to be impeccable since his arrival in the major handicaps. Hollyhock (8) has now returned to a value which authorizes it to make solid claims in the face of such opposition, while the bottom-weight You are an angel (16) will try to take full advantage of its favorable situation at the bottom of the table. Brilliant winner of the key race, Chirimiri (1) will have to deal with four extra kilos on his back. It remains competitive for places, like Right to speak (7), who does almost all of his shopping, and Baby Sim (15), associated with the talented Cristian Demuro.
#Quinté #Thursday #Chantilly #Ozan #straight #ahead