Top 7 events that influenced (will influence) life in Latvia

1. Residents are distributed to shelters

Latvia will need at least 98,679,900 euros to repair or create shelters and places for shelter, according to a draft report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the government. In 2025, 9,867,990 euros will be required, in 2026 – 9,867,990 euros, in 2027 – 9,867,990 euros, and between 2028 and 2034 – 9,867,990 euros annually.

The average shelter capacity is expected to be 200 people and the shelter space capacity is expected to be 100 people. Approximately, shelters will be provided for 624,000 residents – this is 3,120 objects, while shelter places are provided for 1,249,000 residents – 12,490 objects.

2. Latvia included its sanctions in the EU package

At Latvia’s proposal, the 14th package of European Union sanctions against Russia will include a ban on the supply of manganese ore and aluminum oxide. This was announced by Finance Minister Arvils Asheradens.

The new package of sanctions also includes restrictions on the export of Russian liquefied natural gas from EU ports and harmonizes sanctions against Belarus with those established for Russia in order to tighten restrictive measures against both countries.

3. Asheradens’ department discovered arrears

In the first three months of this year, tax revenues were collected at 3.325 billion euros, which is 40.7 million euros or 1.2% less than planned.

The value added tax (VAT) dropped the most. Its revenues to the budget for the first three months of this year amounted to 901.8 million euros, which is 6.9% less than planned. Excise tax revenues for this period amounted to 275.1 million euros, which is 1.7% less than planned. Including the excise tax on petroleum products amounted to 135 million euros, which is 5.8% less than the plan.

4. The stakes have been raised for reckless drivers

In Latvia, fines for seriously exceeding the permitted speed have been sharply increased. For example, for speeding from 61 to 70 kilometers per hour, the fine will be from 720 to 960 euros instead of the current 360 to 480 euros. For the same violation in a populated area, the fine will be from 1040 to 1400 euros (previously – from 540 to 680 euros).

If you exceed the speed limit by more than 70 km/h, you will be issued a check payable in the amount of 1,400–2,000 euros plus a license deprivation for a period of 12 to 36 months.

5. Trains lead to dead ends.

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The country’s authorities are planning to introduce a ban on government procurement of goods and services from Russia and Belarus. But, as it unexpectedly turned out, it is impossible to do without some goods from the aggressor countries.

JSC Pasažieru vilciens called for an exception to be made in the bill regarding the purchase of spare parts for old Soviet-built diesel trains and electric trains that still travel on Latvian rails. Without these parts, which are not produced in the EU, you won’t get far.

6. Riga will help the Palestinians

Latvia has decided to contribute 17 thousand euros to the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) fund. After the Hamas attack on Israel, the Latvian authorities suspended payments.

As the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained, the decision to renew contributions was made taking into account the findings of an independent reporting group and the plans of the Baltic and Northern European countries. The Israeli Embassy in Latvia reacted quite sharply to this on social networks. In his opinion, UNRWA employees are Hamas militants.

7. Reporters improved the score

Latvia has risen to 12th place in the Press Freedom Index published by the international organization Reporters Without Borders. Over the year, Latvia has risen by four positions – from 16th place in 2023. Latvia’s results improved in almost all index indicators, with the exception of the safety indicator.

Norway, Denmark and Sweden rank highest on the index, while Afghanistan, Syria and Eritrea rank lowest. Estonia ranks sixth, up two places over the year, while Lithuania drops six places to 13th place.

#Top #events #influenced #influence #life #Latvia
2024-05-10 05:24:08

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