Top 14: a Canal + cameraman goes out on a stretcher after being mowed down by players during Bordeaux-Biarritz

Rare but painful scene on the lawn of Chaban-Delmas, Sunday afternoon. During the Top 14 match between UBB and Biarritz, a cameraman working for Canal + was the victim of an unfortunate accident. Caught in the heat of the action on Bordeaux Mori’s test in the 76th minute, he was won by two players who mowed him down at the knees.

Immediately attended by medical staff, he was laid down on a stretcher where he remained for several minutes, while play was interrupted. Henry Speight, Biarritz Olympique player involved in this incident, then offered to carry the stretcher. “If our cameraman’s family is watching us, he’s fine,” explained Jenny Demay, her colleague in charge of the pitch. He has a smile, but indeed his knee has gone a bit in the action. “

The moment of impact (Icon Sport) 2022 Icon Sport

Evacuated from the field a few minutes later, he was applauded by the entire audience of Chaban-Delmas. “Not all heroes wear jerseys, good recovery to our cameraman Olivier” tweeted the official account of the Canal Rugby club.

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