Top 10 Fruits, Seeds, and Drinks to Boost Health and Weight Loss on an Empty Stomach

2023-09-04 06:11:00

Breakfast – iStock

10 Fruits, Seeds, and Drinks You Can Eat on an Empty Stomach for Multiple Goals, including Heart Health, Cognitive Function, and Weight Loss

Al – Jamal Nazi

Posted on: September 04, 2023: 10:11 AM GST Last updated: September 04, 2023: 11:09 AM GST

The key to losing weight is an exercise and fitness routine, backed up by an equally disciplined diet plan. It is essential to choose the best foods, seeds and drinks to eat on an empty stomach in the morning for an extra dose of energy and to reap the best benefits from your routine later in the day, according to a report published by Money Control.

Nutrition experts say that breakfast should be the most important meal of the day, because what is eaten on an empty stomach really matters as it can affect weight, heart health and how the brain works.

Research shows that starting the day with a healthy breakfast that includes seeds, almonds, oats, lemon water, and green tea can contribute significantly to improving health, as seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Meanwhile, the almonds provide a decent amount of protein, and the oats provide a generous dose of fiber and help regulate digestion. And when it comes to lemon water, its hydrating qualities, along with boosting vitamin C, help boost immunity and aid in iron absorption. The following is a list of foods that can be eaten on an empty stomach to achieve the maximum possible health benefit:


1. Almonds: They are full of healthy fats and proteins, which give a feeling of satiety. Almonds also contain fiber that can keep your blood sugar stable, giving you steady energy throughout the day.

2. Berries: Starting the day with refreshing and cheery berries is a tempting option. From a health standpoint, a low glycemic index and plentiful fiber can help maintain blood sugar levels, which can avoid insulin spikes that can lead to gradual weight gain.

Chia seeds

3. Chia Seeds: Rich in soluble fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds offer a two-fold advantage: they provide a proper feeling of satiety and also help reduce inflammation.

4. Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds help control blood sugar levels and curb appetite as well.

5. Flaxseeds: Filled with soluble fiber and lignans, flaxseeds are among the superfoods as they help keep blood sugar levels in check, promote gut health, and support feelings of fullness.

6. Greek Yogurt: It is a personal muscle trainer, as it is rich in high-quality protein. Its content of beneficial probiotics also contributes to improving metabolism and aiding in weight control.

7. Green Tea: The caffeine content in green tea can contribute to boosting energy levels during exercise. The epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea is believed to have thermogenic properties that help burn more calories by slightly raising body temperature.

8. Lemon water: The vitamin C present in lemon water boosts the immune system and also helps in increasing the absorption of iron from plant sources.

9. Oatmeal: It helps in slowing down the digestion process, giving a feeling of fullness, in addition to the ingredients rich in vitamins and minerals.

10. Watermelon: Watermelon is estimated to be regarding 90% water, so it is one of the best ways to keep the body hydrated and feel full, especially if it is eaten before a meal. It can help you eat fewer calories overall.

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