Top 10 Foods to Reduce Abdominal Pain During Menstruation

2023-08-24 02:44:00

Abdominal pain during menstruation It is a troubling problem for many women who have to face every month. It is caused by the contraction of the uterus during the abdominal cavity. lower abdominal pain The more or less pain depends on each person’s body. and one of the ways to help reduce symptoms period pain It is possible to choose foods that contain nutrients that help stimulate blood flow. Reduce the problem of pain in the abdomen. Including adjusting the balance in the mood, not fluctuating and helping to relax more This method will help nourish the body at the point.

For foods that are recommended to eat to reduce symptoms period pain namely

1. Fruit

Apples, grapes, bananas, berries Vitamin C and natural sugars from fruits will relax you. good mood, not easily irritated It also reduces pain and stiffness in the body. These fruits, in addition to providing low calorie energy. It’s high in vitamin C and fiber. Apples and grapes are also high in manganese, helping to reduce the amount of estrogen hormones, which can help reduce hormonal fluctuations late in the menstrual cycle. reduce back pain and period pain And while the potassium and vitamin B6 contained in bananas can also help restore the body from exhaustion.

2. Fish meat

In addition to being a type of meat that is low in fat and high in essential amino acids. It is also a protein that is easy to digest, especially deep sea fish such as tuna and salmon. It is a valuable source of protein that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are EPA and DHA acids that have the ability to create substances that will help reduce edema in the body. Including helping to reduce pain and spasms in the abdomen caused by the compression of the uterus as well. It also makes it easy to digest. Helps reduce indigestion problems or diarrhea during the first few days of menstruation

3. Water

It is a great aid in edema as well as replenishing water for the body that has lost blood during the day. Even before and following menstruation, estrogen can make you bloated, uncomfortable, and that’s why plain water is so useful. Because which will be the one that drives sodium? or salt that causes the body to swell out We should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day.

4. Dark leafy greens

Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, bok choy, seaweed, gourd, spinach and spinach provide iron, vitamins B6, B12, B complex and folic acid, which are important for high blood formation. Because during menstruation, our body needs high iron. While green leafy vegetables like gourd, in addition to containing vitamin A There is also magnesium that can help relieve cramps in the abdomen during menstruation as well. And fiber from vegetables helps with constipation during menstruation.

5. Cereals

Various types of grain foods such as barley, oats, quinoa, in addition to giving the body enough fiber to make it last longer. Reduce hunger often, eat little by little, and also help relieve constipation. This diet also helps in trapping excess estrogen out of the body.

6. Eggs

Foods high in magnesium, such as eggs, should be another option in your diet during your period. Both good protein from eggs and low fat can be cooked in this variety. Being a protein that is easy to digest, it reduces wind in the stomach and intestines, reducing symptoms. period pain can

7. Whole grain rice and bread

Rice and bread such as brown rice, riceberry rice or whole wheat bread Since it is a complex carbohydrate, the body gradually Slowly breaks down sugar stabilizes the level of sugar in the body This food group therefore helps to reduce symptoms easily irritated. mood swings and reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and exhaustion

8. Soy milk, soy milk

Because soy milk and soy milk contain a phytoestrogen called Genistine, which has a mild anti-estrogen effect. Thus reducing and relieving menstrual pain medication.

9. Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a magnesium-rich food and is also high in antioxidants. which is an essential mineral for a woman’s menstrual cycle Help relieve your menstrual pain for girls. very well While the antioxidants in chocolate also help strengthen the hormone serotonin. that makes you feel good It also helps reduce symptoms during menstruation as well.

10. Nuts

such as almonds, macadamia nuts, pistachios, or broad beans. Because nuts and seeds Is full of nutrients, eating a handful is enough, and salted nuts should be avoided. or sugar coated because it will make it easier to get fat

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