Toothache: what causes? What to do ?

2023-08-19 13:27:43

Definition: what is a toothache?

The toothache is a severe tooth pain triggered when the nerve of the tooth is raw.

It is usually linked to a caries and its consequences as a pulpite or one tooth abscess. Sometimes it is secondary to a trauma (broken tooth). Caries can be largely prevented by a good oral hygienewhich allows the removal of dental plaque.

In case of toothache, it is advisable to consult a dentist quickly. Often it will be necessary to devitalize the tooth.

Why do I have a toothache?

A toothache can be the consequence of:

  • A tooth decay which is the consequence of dental plaque. When dental plaque remains on the teeth, the bacteria it contains convert the sugars in food into acids. These attack the tooth by forming a hole on its surface. Pain is then likely to occur. The deeper the cavity, the greater the risk of pain. In order to avoid cavities, good oral hygiene is essential.

The caries progresses until it reaches the pulp of the tooth. We are talking regarding pulpite. Eventually, the inflammation of the pulp leads to its necrosis. Once the pulp is dead, the pain may stop (for hours or weeks). Then the pain may return because the tissue adjacent to the root of the tooth becomes inflamed (apical periodontitis) or if pus accumulates: we then speak oftooth abscess.

  • And trauma which includes loose teeth or broken. Dental trauma can damage the pulp and cause apical pulpitis and abscess, and sometimes discoloration of the tooth, which may start soon following the injury or some time later.

What are the symptoms of a toothache?

The signs of a toothache are:

  • Severe, diffuse pain (the pain starts from the tooth and can spread to all or part of the jaw) and pulsatile (sensation of throbbing under the tooth). Often, the pain is not relieved by analgesics ;
  • Sometimes a headache even a evil of two ;
  • And trou visible in a decayed tooth ;
  • A broken tooth ;
  • The swollen gum and/or cheek ;
  • A feverand.or a deterioration of general condition (in case of abscess).

How long does a toothache last?

A toothache can last from a few hours to several days, or even longer if left untreated. In addition, even if the pain disappears, it is likely to reappear at any time if the cause has not been treated.

Toothache: what to do?

You understood it, in case of toothache, it is advisable to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. While waiting to consult a dentist, it is possible to relieve a toothache with paracetamol. Avoid consuming very hot or very cold foods or liquids and chew on the side opposite the tooth.

Can a toothache pass on its own?

The pain in case of a toothache can decrease on its own. However, it is likely to reappear until the cause has been treated by the dentist. The only way to avoid relapses is to devitalize the tooth.

How to relieve toothache while waiting for the dentist?

If you suffer from a toothache, you should make an appointment with your dentist. This is the only way to overcome it. Nevertheless, while waiting for your consultation, certain gestures might help you relieve yourself:

  • Make antiseptic mouthwashes twice a day (prefer alcohol-free mouthwash solutions) ;
  • Brush your teeth following each meal with a soft toothbrush. feel free to remove food debris by means of a interdental brush. After rinsing, apply toothpaste to the damaged tooth and gum;
  • The paracetamol helps reduce pain (one 1000 mg tablet per dose, to be renewed following 6 to 8 hours);
  • Try it clove as a natural anesthetic. To do this, boil several cloves in water for 10 minutes and use this decoction as a mouthwash. You can also place a drop ofclove essential oil on a cotton swab and brush the gum around the infected tooth up to 6 times a day.

How to cure a toothache?

Only the dentist can help you overcome a toothache. At first of x-rays will be needed to find the cause of the toothache.

What medications for dental pain?

To reduce inflammation, antiseptic mouthwashes can be prescribed. Takingpainkillers (paracetamol) sometimes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, ketoprofen…) or even corticosteroids (prednisone) is sometimes essential once morest pain.

In case of abscess, the dentist also prescribes antibioticsto allow pus to collect before treating the tooth.

Treatment depends on the cause of the toothache.

The treatment of a cavity

If the toothache is the consequence of a cavity, the tooth can still be saved if there is no pulpal damage. In this case, the treatment begins with the removal of infected dental tissue. The formed cavity is sealed with dental amalgam or with a more aesthetic and conservative adhesive composite material (shutter).

If the toothache is symptomatic of a irreversible pulpitisande pulpectomie (or devitalization) is necessary. This procedure under local anesthesia consists of remove the damaged dental pulp while leaving the rest of the tooth in place. The tooth is then disinfected, filled and sealed to prevent infection.

In case of’tooth abscess associated with pulpitis, drainage of pus may be necessary.

Sometimes, however, extracting the diseased tooth remains the only solution.

Heal a broken tooth

If the toothache is the consequence of a broken tooth, it is sometimes enough to replace the broken piece of tooth with a bandage or one composite to relieve pain. However, if the X-ray shows that the fracture has reached the root, the dentist will be obliged to devitalize and extract the tooth.




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