Tools for the mental health of young parents

2023-11-07 11:12:02

What is the difference between the baby-blues and postpartum depression? What are the signs of parental burnout? Where to “equip yourself” as a parent? Psycom presents numerous freely accessible resources on the internet.

During pregnancy, many changes occur for future parents. The body changes, we feel intense emotions, we go from being a woman or a man to being a parent or co-parent. Mental health can be weakened during this period. It is the same following the birth of the child. The couple, the family or the way of life: everything needs to be reorganized. Feeling like a mother or father to your newborn sometimes takes time. Becoming a parent can bring back lacks, anxieties and fears linked to one’s own childhood.

In this context, Psycom offers a new resource page for young parents.

In summary :

– When preparing for the arrival of a child
– Until the child is two years old
– What I can do for my mental health
– What I can do for the other parent’s mental health
– Life situations more difficult than others
– When to talk regarding what I feel
– Which healthcare professional to speak with
– Baby blues, postpartum depression, what’s the difference?
– If other problems appear
– When the child grows up
– Why is being a parent so complicated?
– How not to be a perfect parent
– Where to equip yourself as a parent
– Parental burnout, what is it?
– Parental burnout, what next?
– When the parent feels overwhelmed by one of their children

Learn more:

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