Toni Polster: “Then I wouldn’t have survived the night”

Two weeks following his emergency operation for a perforated stomach, Toni Polster explained how bad things really were for him.

“The doctors told me: If I had stayed at home that night, I wouldn’t have survived the night.” The 59-year-old was admitted to the emergency room at the Favoriten Clinic on December 28th because of severe abdominal pain.

“Then I had an operation immediately, even though I wasn’t fasting and had breakfast. I was shocked when the doctors told me: You have a perforated stomach. We have to perform an emergency operation on you.”

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National team

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VIENNA. The ex-goalgetter would like to subsequently improve his ÖFB statistics.

Toni Polster hired a lawyer: “This has been bothering me for decades”

There is a lot of mystery surrounding the causes of the breakthrough. A ruptured stomach ulcer might be a possibility. “Maybe I drank too much coffee. Maybe I didn’t eat healthily. I have to change all that now,” said the ÖFB ex-international.

Just days before, Polster had become infected with Corona. That was the starting point for his discomfort, said the ex-striker. But even following recovering from the infection, the pulling sensation in her stomach didn’t stop. “But that wasn’t really a reason for me to go to the doctor. On December 28th, I wasn’t feeling well at home. I broke out in a sweat. My face was completely pale.”

When his condition worsened, he went to the hospital at the urging of his wife. “I’m happy regarding it,” said Polster.

A classic from Polster’s insulting repertoire:


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