Toni Freixa Fires Back: “Castaño, You’re Overlooking the Safeguards!

2024-09-11 16:56:34

La penúltima aparición de Toni Freixa en el programa ‘El Partidazo’ de la Cadena COPE, liderado por Juanma Castaño, fue una de las más virales en el mundo barcelonista de las últimas semanas.

El exmiembro de la junta directiva de Sandro Rosell y Josep Maria Bartomeu, que en un su día fue ‘rival’ de Joan Laporta en las elecciones, echó un cable al presidente azulgrana ante la crítica feroz de la ‘caverna mediática’ por los problemas de fairplay del Barça y las explicaciones del máximo mandatario culé, atacando de paso a su hómologo Florentino Pérez: “El presidente del otro gran club a nivel español hace como 10 o 12 años que no da una rueda de prensa y cuando lo haga podremos comentar si dice la verdad o no la dice, si vende optimismo o si pone el foco donde le interesa”

Además, fue muy critico con al Real Madrid y expresó su desacuerdo con la continuidad de las relaciones institucionales entre ambos clubes: “No entiendo como el Barça no rompe relaciones con el Madrid. Laporta se quedó cortó por no haber anunciado que rompía las relaciones. Lo del Madrid es una hipocresía porque sabe que el Barça no ha recibido ningún favor arbitral. Lo que hacíamos es que venía el Real Madrid de Mourinho aquí a pegar palos y les metíamos cinco. Eso es lo que pasaba”, soltó hace unos días en la radio.

Pique con Juanma Castaño

Juanma Castaño quiso abordar la avalancha de apoyos que Freixa ha recibido en redes sociales durante los últimos siete días: “Me han escrito muchos amigos tuyos, fans del Barça”, comentaba Castaño tras la intervención del exdirectivo azulgrana.

“Son del Barça, no son fans míos”, aclaró Freixa. “Si os creéis que la reacción es favorable a mí, estáis equivocados. La gente lo que hace es apoyar al Barça, y están muy dolidos cuando al Barça no se le respeta. Y cuando encuentran una voz que ha defendido al Barça, están encantados, ¡pensáoslo!”, advirtió.

Castaño, aún dudando de la postura de Freixa, le preguntó: “¿A ti te parece que yo soy el ejemplo de periodista madridista cavernario?“.

La respuesta de Freixa fue contundente: “¡Hombre, solo te falta el escudo!”

#Toni #Freixa #returns #attack #attacks #Castaño #lack #shield

Here are some PAA-related questions for the title “Toni Freixa’s Explosive Interview: A Viral Sensation ‌in the Barcelona Football Community”:

Toni Freixa’s Explosive ⁣Interview: A Viral Sensation in the Barcelona ⁣Football Community

In a recent interview on‍ the popular radio program “El Partidazo”⁣ led by Juanma Castaño, Toni Freixa, the former member of the board of directors of Sandro Rosell and ‌Josep Maria Bartomeu, created quite a stir in the Barcelona football community. ⁣His comments have gone viral, and for​ good reason.

Freixa’s defense of Barcelona President Joan Laporta has been a talking point in recent days. ⁣He ‍came out strong against the “caverna mediática” (media criticism) aimed at Laporta, ‌citing the ‍problems of fair play faced by the club and the explanations provided ⁢by the president [[1]]. Freixa also took aim at​ his counterpart, Florentino⁣ Pérez, ⁢questioning the⁤ latter’s ability⁢ to speak the truth [[1]].

However, it‍ was his criticism of Real Madrid⁢ that really caught attention. Freixa expressed his dismay at the continuity of institutional relations between the two clubs, stating that Laporta should have broken off ties with Real Madrid [[2]]. ⁢He went on to‌ say that⁤ the Madrid club’s actions were nothing ⁢short of⁤ hypocrisy,⁢ as they had received no‍ favorable treatment from⁣ referees ‍in their matches against Barcelona⁣ [[2]].

Freixa’s comments have been met ⁢with widespread support from Barcelona fans,‍ who have taken to social media to voice their approval.​ Castaño, the‌ host of the program, was quick to highlight the avalanche of support Freixa had received, saying, “Many friends of⁣ yours, fans of Barcelona, ⁢have⁢ written to me” [[1]]. Freixa clarified that the‌ people supporting him were, in fact, ​fans of Barcelona, and not necessarily fans of his own [[1]].

The tension between Freixa and Castaño was palpable during the interview, with Castaño questioning Freixa’s ⁢motives and​ Freixa responding firmly to the queries. The exchange has added fuel to⁢ the fire,⁢ with many Barcelona fans ‍rallying behind Freixa’s stance.

In related ‍news, ⁢Freixa ​has also been​ in ‍the news for recommending ‌an unnamed coach to Joan Laporta, sparking speculation about the coach’s identity [[3]].

As the football world continues to⁣ buzz with the news, one thing is clear: Toni Freixa’s explosive interview has set​ the tone for ⁤a lively and heated discussion in the Barcelona football community.





Note: The current date is 2024-09-11.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title “Toni Freixa: A Controversial Figure in Barcelona Football”:

Toni Freixa: A Controversial Figure in Barcelona Football

Toni Freixa, a well-known figure in Barcelona football, has been making headlines recently with his explosive interview on “El Partidazo” radio show, hosted by Juanma Castaño. The interview, which went viral in the Barcelona football community, has sparked controversy and debate among fans and critics alike.

Who is Toni Freixa?

Before delving into the details of the interview, it’s essential to know who Toni Freixa is. Freixa is a lawyer by profession and has been involved in Barcelona football politics for many years. He was a member of the board of directors under Sandro Rosell and Josep Maria Bartomeu, and even ran for presidency against Joan Laporta [[3]]. Currently, he is the founder of Freixa Advocats, a law firm in Barcelona [[1]].

The Explosive Interview

In his recent interview with Juanma Castaño, Freixa made some explosive comments that have sparked controversy. He came out in defense of Barcelona’s president, Joan Laporta, amidst criticism from the media and fans over the club’s financial struggles and fair play issues. Freixa attacked Florentino Pérez, the president of Real Madrid, saying that he hasn’t given a press conference in 10-12 years and only cares about himself [[p1]].

Freixa also expressed his disagreement with the continuation of institutional relations between Barcelona and Real Madrid, calling it “hypocrisy” [[p2]]. He referenced the past, when Mourinho’s Real Madrid would come to Barcelona and “beat them up,” but Barcelona would still win 5-0 [[p2]].

Reactions and Criticism

The interview sparked a wave of reactions on social media, with many fans and critics weighing in on Freixa’s comments. Juanma Castaño, the host of the show, received many messages from fans supporting Freixa, who responded by saying, “They’re Barcelona fans, not my fans” [[p3]].

Freixa’s comments have been criticized by many, who see him as trying to stir up controversy and attention. Others have praised him for speaking his mind and standing up for Barcelona’s president.


Toni Freixa’s explosive interview has brought him back into the spotlight, sparking controversy and debate in the Barcelona football community. While some see him as a hero for speaking his mind, others view him as a divisive figure who is trying to stir up trouble. One thing is certain, however – Freixa is a figure to be reckoned with in Barcelona football politics.






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