Tongo was admitted to the hospital as an emergency and his relatives ask to pray for him Grave Internship | LIGHTS

, the popular cumbia singer, interpreter of “La Pituca”, was admitted yesterday as an emergency to the Shock Trauma Unit of the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases (INEN) due to health complications. His wife, Gladys Lupinta, and his daughter, Cint Gutiérrez, asked to pray for his speedy recovery.

Three weeks ago, the musician underwent an operation to remove a tumor, and was in full reinstatement.

His health was complicated by an infection from the removal of a tumor that was done 23 years ago for cancer. Yesterday he entered Tramu Shock and today, happily, he was referred to another area. We are waiting for what the doctors say“, Held Cint Gutiérrez to El Comercio. “I just ask for prayers for my father,” she added.

On the other hand, Lupinta, the artist’s partner, asked to pray for the musician’s health and, if possible, to create a prayer chain.

They can’t do anything to him, they can’t dialyze him either. I brought it to the INEN because the underlying issue is generalized infection and since I just brought it they are doing tests, you have to wait three or four hours for the results. Let’s pray for him”, Gladys maintained to Trome.


In November 2021 After spending more than twenty days in the Intensive Care Unit of the Arzobispo Loayza hospital due to complications from diabetes that he has suffered for many years, the musician was discharged.

He also said that when they took him to the hospital he cried because he saw death up close. T”They were the worst (moments) of my life. They electroshocked me up to five times. Happily I responded well, otherwise they would be bringing flowers to my grave right now, ”he told the newspaper El Popular.

At that time, he thanked “God for this new opportunity, to my family who was by my side all the time, to the doctors and nurses, without them I would have died (…) I feel like I’ve been reborn.”

Interview with Cint Gutiérrez, daughter of Tongo #VideosEC
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