Tongfang Co., Ltd.: fully cooperate with the China State Administration for Market Regulation’s anti-monopoly investigation on its subsidiary CNKI_ Oriental Fortune Net


[Tongfang: fully cooperate with the State Administration for Market Regulation’s anti-monopoly investigation on its subsidiary CNKI]Tongfang announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, CNKI Beijing, and wholly-owned subsidiary, CNKI Digital Publishing, received the “State Administration for Market Regulation” today. The State Administration for Market Regulation will start an anti-monopoly investigation on CNKI Beijing and CNKI Digital Publishing on May 13, 2022. The company will firmly support and fully cooperate with the above investigation. (interface)

  Tongfang sharesMay 13 eveningannouncement, CNKI Beijing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, and CNKI Digital Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, received the “Notice of Investigation of Monopoly Cases of the State Administration for Market Regulation” from the State Administration for Market Regulation on May 13. Anti-monopoly investigations into CNKI Beijing and CNKI Digital Publishing began. The total of the above two companies in 2021Operating incomeAccounting for 6% of the company’s operating income in 2021, the two companies together belong to the parentnet profitIt accounts for 12% of the absolute value of the company’s net profit attributable to the parent in 2021. The company will firmly support and fully cooperate with the above investigation.

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(Article source: Interface News)

Article source: Interface News

Responsible editor: 11

Original title: Tongfang Co., Ltd.: fully cooperate with the China State Administration for Market Regulation in the anti-monopoly investigation of its subsidiary CNKI

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