Tomorrow’s Weather Forecast in Egypt: Details, Temperatures, and Rain Patterns

2023-12-28 20:39:00

10:39 PM Thursday, December 28, 2023

Books – Ahmed Abdel Moneim:
The General Meteorological Authority revealed details of tomorrow’s weather, Friday, after various parts of the country witnessed rain of varying intensity today.

Meteorology forecast that the weather tomorrow will be stable in most parts, with moderate temperatures prevailing during the day in Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northern coasts, and northern Upper Egypt, and hot weather in South Sinai and southern Upper Egypt.

The maximum temperatures expected in the regions of the Republic are:
– Greater Cairo and Lower Egypt, 22 degrees Celsius.
– Northern coasts: 22 degrees Celsius.
– South Sinai 25 degrees Celsius.
– North Upper Egypt, 23 degrees Celsius.
– South Upper Egypt, 25 degrees Celsius.

She added: β€œThe weather remains cold at night in most areas as well in the early hours of the morning,” and the opportunity is ripe for light to moderate rain to fall on separate areas of the Red Sea mountain ranges, and the rain will be light on areas of the northern coast, Sinai, the Gulf of Suez, and the Canal cities, with chances. Weak, with light rain in separate areas of Greater Cairo at intermittent intervals.

The influential phenomenon is water mist in the morning, which is dense on agricultural and highway roads and near bodies of water, and may reach the point of fog.
Therefore, vehicle drivers must be careful and cautious while driving.

#Meteorology #announces #details #Fridays #weather.. #warns #water #mist

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