“Tomorrow your voice will be heard”: Juan Manuel Urtubey’s message for the runoff

2023-11-18 16:33:41

The former governor of Salta Juan Manuel Urtubey sent a message to citizens ahead of the runoff that will be held on Sunday, November 19 in Argentina. Without naming anyone in particular, the Peronist leader urged Argentines to attend the elections to vote for the next president of the Nation, regardless of his political ideology.

Through a video that he posted on his social networks, Urtubey, with mate in hand and in what appeared to be his house, said: “Tomorrow is not just any day. Tomorrow her voice will be heard. In this way, the political sector also begins to prepare for tomorrow’s definitions while a tense calm reigns as a result of the electoral ban.

Juan Manuel Urtubey’s message in the last elections

In the general elections of October 22, the former president of Salta He gave a similar message, although appealing to the recovery of democracy 40 years ago. «With today’s vote we ratify and celebrate 40 uninterrupted years of democratic life. Let us hope that this election brings the needs of the people closer to the political agenda,” he published at the time.

«I have enormous hope that this election will serve to bring us closer to the Argentines. The language of power politics has gone one way and the needs of the people have gone the other. Such a great distance has been generated that the only way to bridge that distance is with an electoral process. Today we are in elections, I hope that the Argentine people tell those who have the responsibility of governing Argentina where and in what way we have to go,” he said.

After voting at the Santísima Trinidad Institute in San Lorenzo, province of Salta, he highlighted the current reality of Argentina. «We are experiencing a very deep crisis in Argentina, which will not be easy to overcome. We are going to have to work for a long time and try to get out of our bad habit of pretending that things are resolved with magical passes. We are going to have to do sustained and systematic work to try to move forward, a country where we have serious productivity and competitiveness problems,” she reflected.

On October 27, a week following the elections, he said: “Let us Argentines take advantage of this great opportunity that we have to demand that those who are running today can really generate sustainable agreements so that Argentina can generate that new productive alliance of which we have been talking regarding for several weeks now.

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