Tommy Körberg is fighting for his life – strong emotions

Tommy Körberg is fighting for his life – strong emotions

Tommy Körberg talks about the diseases.
Have received a pacemaker:
– It’s not easy, but it works, says Tommy in Efter Fem.

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Tommy Körberg, 76, has been active as an artist for over 50 years – something he has celebrated with his performance Grand Finale, which had its last stop in Gävle last week.

But being able to go on tour was not obvious as Tommy has been struggling with his health for some time. The idea was actually that Tommy was going on tour last year but was then forced to cancel due to health problems, something Hänt has previously reported on.

– I was attacked by a streptococcus, which tried to take my heart but which gave way on my back. So I was medicated to remove it, says Tommy Körberg in an interview with VF.

Here Tilde gets to feel Tommy’s pacemaker

But this year, the tour took place after all and Tommy was able to celebrate his long and distinguished career together with the fans – especially thanks to the fact that he has inserted a pacemaker that helps his heart to keep going, something he tells in Efter Fem.

– I have to poke a lot of medicine and stuff like that to keep my heart alive, says Tommy to the presenter Tilde De Paula Eby and continues:

– And I have a pacemaker, I have a new pacemaker. If the heart races, I get an electric shock, if it stops, it starts again, you!

A pacemaker helps the heart maintain a regular rhythm. The pacemaker gives the heart electrical impulses when needed and is inserted into the body during surgery. Most people can leave the hospital the same day they are operated on, according to 1777.

– A bit scary, isn’t it?, Tilde then asks.

– No! Do you want to feel it?, Tommy replies, whereupon Tilde is carefully allowed to feel the small device in his chest.

Tommy Körberg on thoughts about death

Tommy also shares his thoughts on death. He explains that he doesn’t want to feel scared and instead takes advantage of the time he has. Something he likes to do by embracing the music.

– I have to live in the music, otherwise I feel like I don’t exist. Instead of being afraid of time, I’m trying to learn to embrace it. I’m trying to learn how to attack it properly. It’s not easy, but it works, explains Tommy.

– I like to sit and philosophize about the subject to figure out how I should behave so as not to fall into the dark, he adds.

PHOTO: Screenshot TV4



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