Tomasz Oświęciński revealed his educational background. Wojewódzki burst out laughing

Tomasz Oświęciński was a guest on Kuba Wojewódzki‘s Tuesday program. He talked about acting, among other things, but also mentioned his education. This clearly made the presenter laugh.

Kuba Wojewódzki for years he has been inviting guests from the world of show business and sports to his famous sofa. The journalist has accustomed his fans to the fact that in most episodes he is the main character. Last Tuesday, Wojewódzki talked to Dawid Woliński and Tomasz Oświatiński.

The rest of the article is below the video

Woliński and Oświęciński on Kuba Wojewódzki’s couch. There were many controversial topics

As you know, for Kuba Wojewódzki there are no taboo topics. In a conversation with Dawid Woliński he asked if the man had had intimate situations in elevators. Tomasz Oświęciński he had to face a series of questions about acting and his lack of education in this field. The fans of the program were certainly pleased, because there was no shortage of jokes and sharp retorts.

Tomasz Oświęciński talked about his profession. His education amused Wojewódzki

From the beginning of the visit to the Wojewódzki, Tomasz Oświęciński had to face questions about acting. At one point, the journalist asked him about his education. Then he heard that Oświęciński graduated from automotive technical school. This greatly amused the presenter, who immediately launched a retort.

Well, you could play in “Transformers”. After all, there’s a lot going on there – Wojewódzki laughed.

But that’s not all. When the “M jak miłość” actor mentioned that he had a manager, Wojewódzki burst out laughing and couldn’t believe it. Despite these attacks Oświęciński left the program with a face, because he was not thrown off balance even for a moment.

Kuba Wojewódzki couldn’t believe Oświęciński’s education© Instagram: kuba_wojewodzki_official

Kuba Wojewódzki and Tomasz Oświęciński: The Comedy of Credentials

Tomasz Oświęciński found himself on the infamous couch of Kuba Wojewódzki this past Tuesday, ready to discuss everything from the ins and outs of acting to his rather peculiar educational background. Spoiler alert: education wasn’t the star of the show—it was the laughter that stole the spotlight!

Welcome to the Salon of Satire

Known for his sharp wit and irresistible charm, Kuba Wojewódzki hosts a melange of celebrities, from the glitzy world of showbiz to the athletic arenas of sports. His genius? Making everyone feel at home while simultaneously dishing out the zingers. And when Oświęciński joined him alongside Dawid Woliński, the stage was set for a masterclass in comedy! Wojewódzki wasted no time diving into the nitty-gritty of their lives with his audacious style, asking Woliński the burning question—ever had a steamy moment in an elevator? An opening act that had us all wondering if we were ready for what was to come!

The Hilarity of Education—or Lack Thereof

Then came the moment everyone—and by everyone, I mean Wojewódzki—had been waiting for: the educational interrogation. Hold onto your seats, folks, because Tomasz Oświęciński revealed he graduated from an automotive technical school. Cue the laughter!

“You could play in ‘Transformers’. After all, there’s a lot going on there!”

Kuba Wojewódzki

With a line like that, who needs a script? You can almost see the gears turning in Wojewódzki’s mind, concocting comedic gems on the spot! It’s as if he were preparing for a roast, and Oświęciński was just the lingering scent of burnt toast in the corner of the kitchen.

Caught in the Crossfire

As if the educational bombshell weren’t enough, Oświęciński dropped another bomb: he mentioned having a manager! The look on Wojewódzki’s face could have powered a small country. A manager? For an automotive graduate turned actor? The audacity!

You have to admire Oświęciński’s resilience. He took the barrage of jokes in stride, unflappable in the face of Wojewódzki’s relentless roasting. It’s not every day you see someone walk out of a comedian’s lair unscathed—wearing a grin no less!

Final Thoughts

In the end, it was a delightful episode filled with laughter, rapid-fire banter, and the kind of surreal revelations that keep us dragged into the world of celebrity talk shows. Oświęciński, with his automotive background and unwavering composure, may not have been the typical guest for Wojewódzki’s couch, but boy, did he make it entertaining!

So, take note, aspiring actors and entertainers: who needs formal education when you can have a killer sense of humor and the right connections? Just remember, if Tomasz Oświęciński can make it work, so can you. And as for Wojewódzki, well, let’s just say he’ll always keep us laughing—whether it’s from the couch or beyond!



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