2024-04-03 10:10:40
In the by-election for the Tokyo 15th Ward of the House of Representatives to be announced on the 16th, the regional political party “Tomin First no Kai,” of which Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike serves as a special advisor, will elect Mr. Hiromasa Ototake (47), who is supported by the parent group “First no Kai.” The Liberal Democratic Party’s recommended policy has been met with a series of backlash and questions from the local party Koto General Branch and Tokyo Rental Association. The background is Ototake’s words and actions surrounding the ward mayor’s election in April last year, as well as issues surrounding women in the past. However, amid headwinds surrounding the slush funds issue, the party is unable to come up with an independent candidate, highlighting the predicament it faces. (Mashinori Inoue, Chitomo Miyake)
In April 2023, Hiromasa Ototake (second from left) attended the office opening of former Mayor Yayoi Kimura of Tokyo’s Koto Ward mayoral election.Mr. Kimura was an opponent of the candidate recommended by the Liberal Democratic Party.
◆”I can’t get along with people from former ward mayor Yayoi Kimura’s side.”
On the 3rd, a meeting of the Koto General Branch of the party was held at the Koto Ward Office. Kazuki Yamazaki (51), a former metropolitan assemblyman and general branch chief, reportedly informed the ward assembly members of the party headquarters’ direction of recommending Ototake. After the meeting, Yamazaki told reporters, “I just told him the direction of my recommendation,” but according to several ward councilors, there were a number of objections.
A ward councilor who responded to the interview said, “How will we explain this to supporters?” and cited the ward mayor’s election last April as the reason for the backlash. Mr. Ototake was an “enemy side” who actively supported former ward mayor Yayoi Kimura (58), who was running once morest the Liberal Democratic Party’s candidate at the time, and was currently on trial for violating the Public Elections Act (such as bribery). was the position. “I can’t get along with people from Mr. Kimura’s side,” he grumbled.
“It’s always the case that the party headquarters doesn’t listen to local people,” said another district councilor, reflecting on the conflict in the 2021 House of Representatives election. The candidates that the local community and metropolitan area requested for recognition were nominated along with former House of Representatives member Mito Kakizawa, who was not even a party member (additional recognition following being elected and was found guilty of violating the Public Elections Act). “It was crushed,” said a Tokyo Metropolitan Government official. Another ward councilor said coldly, “The party headquarters is disrespecting the local community.”
◆Memories of being in pain due to women’s issues
“It would be impossible for an ordinary Liberal Democratic Party member to support Mr. Ototake.” An LDP executive also speaks with a bitter expression. This is because while the Liberal Democratic Party was considering running for Ototake in the 2016 House of Councilors election, they were forced to give up on the issue following a weekly magazine reported on women’s issues.
At a press conference at the end of March, Governor Koike took the initiative to calm down Ototake’s issue with women, saying, “I have confirmed that he is working in good faith to ensure that he will never make the same mistake once more.” However, another Tokyo Metropolitan Government official says, “There are many citizens who don’t see it that way.” Komeito party officials, who have been asked to provide support, have expressed similar concerns.
However, as the slush fund scandal is expected to lead to a tough battle in the next House of Representatives election, there are no other options than Ototake’s nomination, with the hope that Governor Koike, who has a certain level of popularity, will not become an opponent of the Liberal Democratic Party as much as possible. The reality is that there isn’t. The Toren itself has its chairman, Koichi Hagiuda, a member of the House of Representatives, facing punishment for slush funds.
In the Koto Ward mayoral election at the end of last year, the Liberal Democratic Party recommended the candidate whose support was led by Governor Koike. He also sought Governor Koike’s support in the Hachioji mayoral election in January, where he had a tough time recommending candidates. A metropolitan association official complains. “First and second, it’s Koike-san’s countermeasures. If Koike-san doesn’t say ‘Otobu,’ there won’t be any.”
◆Eight people intend to run in the election
On the 3rd, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan decided to endorse newcomer Natsumi Sakai (37) in the by-election for Tokyo’s 15th Ward. The Communist Party has announced that it will support newcomer Higashi Kozutsumi (34), but there is a possibility that adjustments will be made to candidates. On the same day, House of Councilors member Genki Sudo (46) also announced his intention to run as an independent candidate.
In addition, Yui Kanazawa (33), a new member of the Nippon Ishin no Kai, Rina Yoshikawa (36), a new member of the Japan Restoration Party, Yo Iiyama (48) of the political group “Japan Conservative Party”, and Tsukasa Akimoto (former Liberal Democratic Party member of the House of Representatives) 52) has announced his candidacy.
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