Tokio Emoto and Mari Iriki A speedy divorce in about two years from the “arms-folded date”… “Reversal of marital disparity” in the background | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

Tokio Emoto and Mari Iriki witnessed in October 2020 on a date with their arms folded

“It was fun”

In October 2020, it is natural that a couple who crossed their arms on the streets of Shibuya and talked regarding their impressions of the movie are full of happiness aura.

Of the actors who joined in February 2020 with zero dating daysTokio EmotoBecause it is (32) and Mari Iriki (32).

It’s been regarding two years since then. On June 1, the two admitted that they were divorced.

“At the beginning of our marriage, we were between the two.”Disparity” ButReversalIs the cause. Mr. Iriki won the special jury prize for the venerable “Horipro Scout Caravan” and entered the entertainment world.

He has high acting ability and has just walked the royal road as an actress. At that time, Mr. Aramoto was also steadily increasing the number of appearances, but obviously her wife was “upper”. “(Entertainment Reporter)

However, while the number of incoming jobs decreased due to the Korona-ka, the value of the pattern book exploded.

“He has achieved results with a stance of receiving work in any bit part. Mr. Iriki has a strong desire to see him up close and say,’I want to be more active as an actress than I am at home.’ It became.

The two have had a long friendship since before dating. It seems that the relationship is still good. “(Same as above)

I wonder if I will cross my arms with the silver screen this time.

( Weekly FLASH June 21, 2022 issue

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