Together for Change and neighbors from Buenos Aires marched against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

leaders of Together for Change They led a mobilization of Buenos Aires residents towards the center of the City of Buenos Aires, to reject Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that sparked a war in recent weeks. “In the face of war, you cannot be neutral,” claimed the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, one of the leaders who led the march.

Patricia Bullrich, president of the PRO; and the national deputies of the same party Graciela Ocaña, Fernando Iglesias, Waldo Wolff and Sabrina Ajmechet, led the column with a joint flag of Argentina and Ukraine, with the legend “Stop the war! Peace in Ukraine and in the World”.

The mobilization started this Sunday, March 6, from Plaza de Mayo and advanced along Avenida de Mayo towards the Obelisk, where the protesters circled around the Buenos Aires monument located at the intersection of 9 de Julio and Corrientes avenues.

opposition leaders accompanied the march of Buenos Aires residents against the war in Ukraine.  Photo: Argentine News.

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opposition leaders accompanied the march of Buenos Aires residents against the war in Ukraine. Photo: Argentine News.

The PRO national deputy Álvaro González also joined the demonstration “in repudiation of the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, in defense of the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity,” according to the agency. Argentine News.

“It is not enough to say that we are against the war: it is necessary to put the body for peace. As thousands of citizens did today, marching in different squares of our country. There are many more of us who say enough is enough to the invasion! from Russia to the Ukraine!” Bullrich said.

Legislators Hernán Lombardi, Roberto García Moritán, Facundo Suarez Lastra, the deputy with a completed mandate Eduardo Amadeo and the actor Luis Brandoni also joined the opposition call.

Leaders of Together for Change at the march in favor of Ukraine.  Photo: @ajmechet.

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Leaders of Together for Change at the march in favor of Ukraine. Photo: @ajmechet.

“Supporting all the Ukrainian people in this difficult moment in the face of the Russian invasion and its atrocities. There are many of us who want peace in Ukraine,” tweeted Ocaña, leader of the Public Trust space.

Iglesias, for his part, said that he accompanies “the Ukrainian community and the Ukrainian people in their struggle for democracy and peace,” and boasted of being “on the right side of history.”

“Enough of war. Stop supporting a criminal, sons of Putin!” The deputy ironized in a sarcastic play on words with the surname of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

Putin, inflexible: “Russia will fulfill its objectives in Ukraine, be it through negotiation or war”

The call was promoted by Ukrainian representatives in the country under the slogan “We are with Ukraine”, and received a strong impetus from the posting of the leader of the Civic Coalition, Elisa Carrió, who defined the mobilization as “a duty to the humanity, human rights and democracy”.

The head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, today launched a sharp indirection to the national government by arguing that “in the face of war one cannot be neutral” and that it is a duty “to always be on the right side of history, which is that of the defense of peace, freedom and human rights”.

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This is how the president of Buenos Aires expressed himself after participating in the first row of the march in solidarity with Ukraine, a country that suffers in its own territory the consequences of the war that the Russian Federation started.

“Peace and respect for life in freedom are inalienable principles that we must defend in any place and circumstance. For this reason, we celebrate and accompany the marches that are taking place in different parts of our country in repudiation of the invasion of the Russian Federation “, he stated.

For the presidential candidate of the PRO, “the mobilization of thousands of people in our country shows once again the enormous commitment that we Argentines have with peace.”

In addition, Rodríguez Larreta stressed, in a shot by elevation to the Government of Alberto Fernández, that “in the face of an act of war, there is only one possible position: condemn these actions urgently, decisively and unequivocally.”

In its reading of events, the national government has been expressing an ambiguous and hesitant position regarding the condemnation of Russia for the invasion of Ukraine.

Until now, the Government through the Foreign Ministry repudiated the use of armed force and defended the principle of territorial integrity, although it avoided supporting the economic sanctions imposed by NATO countries on Russia.

“In the face of war, you cannot be neutral. We must always be on the right side of history, which is the defense of peace, freedom and human rights,” said the head of the Buenos Aires government.

Days ago, Rodríguez Larreta met with different Ukrainian representatives in the country, to whom he expressed his solidarity and promised to give refuge in the City to Ukrainian citizens who arrive in the country escaping from the war. “.

“I want to express my solidarity with the Ukrainian people and with the huge Ukrainian community in Argentina and in Buenos Aires.

True to our historic tradition, the City will always welcome those in need of shelter.”

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