Today’s weather in Monterrey: what the weather will be like this October 17

Will it Rain? Will it Shine? Monterrey Weather Forecast for October 17

Well, folks, this Thursday in Monterrey, it looks like the weather is playing favorites. First off, let’s talk about that 46% chance of rain during the day and a jump to a whopping 71% by night. So, pack your umbrellas – or don’t! In Monterrey, it’s often the case that the forecast is about as trustworthy as your mate who promises he’ll pay you back… someday.

Now, cloud cover? A solid 84% during the day, ramping up to a complete blanket of 100% at night. That’s right, it’s going to feel like the clouds have decided to throw a massive cozy blanket over Monterrey. Perfect for those who prefer their drama in the sky rather than their relationships!

As for the temperatures, we’re looking at a high of 22 degrees Celsius and a low of 17 degrees. That’s like trying to decide between a sunny-side-up egg and a boiled one: they’re both eggs, but one’s definitely more exciting than the other!

But hold onto your hats (literally), because those wind gusts are planning to reach a thrilling 44 kilometers per hour. Yes, prepare for a hairdo that will put your morning aspirations of sophistication to shame! And don’t forget the ultraviolet rays; they’ll be strutting in at a level of 6. So, if you’re planning on looking like a lobster, fret not – the sun’s going to do its part!

When to Visit Monterrey: A Love Affair with Seasons

Now, if you’re considering a trip to Monterrey, the best windows are from January to August and then October to December. During these months, the city turns into a warm delight, with temperatures ranging from a pleasant 27 to a sizzling 35 degrees. Sounds like summer, except instead of ice cream, you’re offered a hearty serving of “drought” during July and August, which ironically is when it’s hottest!

So, while October marks the onset of the rainy season, it’s also when it’s time to break out your enthusiastically mismatched rain gear. And yes, you’ll likely be singing that classic tune, “I’m singing in the rain,” or perhaps “Moaning in the rain” will be more appropriate!

Historical Weather Fluctuations: From Extreme Heat to Shivers

Oh, and let’s dive into a bit of history, shall we? Monterrey is no stranger to extremes. The lowest temperature on record is a balmy -7.5 degrees from the ice age… wait, I mean 1983. The last time it snowed was in 2004. Snow in Monterrey? Talk about winning the weather lottery!

Conversely, the hottest day settled in at “I-don’t-want-to-leave-my-house” levels of 48 degrees back in 1958. So, like it or not, you’re going to need an air conditioner and some seriously chilled beverages if you fancy living there!

Diversity in Climate: A Tale of Many Temptations

But let’s get real for a moment. Mexico is a diverse patchwork of climates that would make a quilt look boring. With an average weather report of 19 degrees, you’d be surprised that in snazzy cities like Mexicali, temperatures can hit an astounding 58.5 degrees. Yes, it’s true – don’t forget your sunscreen, and perhaps a hydro-chiller while you’re at it!

The Unraveling Truth: Climate Change on the Horizon

As if this rollercoaster ride wasn’t enough, let’s talk about climate change. Experts are saying that Mexico, including our beloved Monterrey, may see a decrease in rainfall and a side order of higher temperatures in the future. Thanks, climate change! For farmers and ranchers, it’s basically playing weather roulette, but the stakes are real — with severe floods and droughts becoming the new normal. Fun times!

In short, weather in Monterrey is like a curious friend: you’re never really sure what you’re going to get! So, arm yourself with humor, an umbrella, and perhaps a sturdy pair of boots, because no matter the forecast, it’s bound to be a wild ride!

Stay dry, stay sunny, and always keep a sense of humor about the weather! Who knows? It might just rain good fortune on you!

This is the expected weather for this Thursday (Illustrative image Infobae)

Will it rain, will it be a sunny day or will it get cold this Thursday, October 17? Here is the weather forecast for the next few hours in Monterrey.

The probability of rain for this Thursday in Monterrey is 46% during the day and 71% at night.

Meanwhile, cloudiness will be 84% during the day and 100% during the night.

As for the temperature, a maximum of 22 degrees and a minimum of 17 degrees is forecast in this region. Ultraviolet rays are expected to reach a level of up to 6.

While wind gusts will reach 44 kilometers per hour during the day and 37 kilometers per hour at night.

Weather prediction in Monterrey (Illustrative image Infobae)

The best season to go to the royal capital is from January to August and from October to December, a season in which there is a warm or hot climate, where there is hardly any precipitation and with temperatures ranging from 27 to 35 degrees.

Because temperatures are extremely high in summer, the capital experiences a drought that reaches its highest level between July or August, a time that is also known as “dog days.”

In contrast, the rainy season begins in the fall, with the ninth month of the year being the one with the most rainfall. However, there have been occasions when storms have occurred that leave severe flooding between April and June. In January, the coldest month, the thermometer drops to an average of 14 degrees although the “coldest day” is usually recorded in February.

According to the brands, the lowest temperature in the history of Monterrey was in 1983, when the thermometer marked -7.5 degrees, while the last snowfall occurred in December 2004; In contrast, the hottest day was recorded on April 24, 1958, when 48 degrees were reached.

Between July and August Monterrey experiences a severe dry season. (darkroom)

Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world, because due to its geographical location that makes it a recipient of a great variety of climates, it has become home to 12% of the world’s species (12,000 of which are endemic).

The country is located in two completely different areas as it is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer: on the one hand there is the tropical zone and on the other with a temperate climate, however, these are intermingled by the oceans and reliefs that surround Mexico giving origin to more times.

Given this, it is not surprising to find that in the highest parts of Chihuahua temperatures range from -30 degrees, while in the Mexicali desert the thermometer reaches up to 50 degrees.

The country has a warm rainy zone that includes the low coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific; warm-humid and warm sub-humid regions that can be found in the coastal plains of the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the north of Chiapas and in the Yucatan Peninsula; dry climate in the Sierra Madre Occidental and Oriental, the upper basins of the Balsas and Papaloapan rivers, parts of the isthmus of Tehuantepec, Yucatán and Chiapas; temperate zones, mostly the territory north of the Tropic of Cancer; and semi-desert, north of the Altiplano.

The average weather in the country is 19 degrees, however, there are cities such as Mexicali, Culiacán, Ciudad Juárez, Hermosillo, Torreón, Saltillo or Monterrey where the high temperatures are truly extreme.

When talking about the record maximum and minimum temperatures in Mexico, San Luis Río Colorado, a city located in Sonora but bordering the Great Altar Desert of Baja California, rose to 58.5 degrees on July 6, 1966; In contrast, the minimum temperature was recorded on December 27, 1997 in the municipality of Madero in Chihuahua, with -25 degrees.

Experts assure that due to climate change Mexico will suffer in the future a decrease in annual rainfall and a considerable increase in temperatures; In addition, there have been major impacts on farmers and ranchers due to droughts or severe floods in recent years; while in hot times there has been an increase in the number of environmental contingencies in the main cities such as CDMX or Monterrey.



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