Today’s technology – Amazon competes with Sony and enters the world of electronic video games

Today’s technology today’s technology – Amazon competes with Sony and enters the world of electronic video games Source of the news – Arabs today with news details Amazon competes with Sony and enters the world of electronic video games:

Today’s news – Washington – Arab Today

Amazon has announced that it has started providing Luna cloud service for video games, which is expected to compete with similar Sony services. Amazon indicated that it had revealed this service in 2020, but then provided it to a specific number of users to test it, and today it is available to users in the United States, and it is supposed to reach several other countries this year. Through the new service, users can get games and their cloud services by subscribing to paid channels, as it is possible to subscribe to the Luna + channel for $5.99 per month, and to subscribe to the Family Channel for a monthly amount of $2.99. The main channel of this service offers more than 100 video games, while the family channel includes about 35 games suitable for all ages for all family members. The new service can be used for owners of computers, phones and smart devices operating on Windows, Android and iOS systems, and these devices can also be connected to external cameras and microphones to give the user better effects while playing.

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