2023-06-16 07:33:11
A salvo of patches was deployed during the evening, then a second this night, to Diablo IV. This concerns the Druid passive ‘Toxic Claws’ as well as World Levels. Find the details below.
Class changes
- Resolved an unintended damage interaction with the Druid passive ‘Toxic Claws’.
Corrections de bugs
- More stability improvements.
Corrections de bugs
- Fixed an issue where players at World Tier 3 and World Tier 4 might invite players ineligible at these higher Tiers to their party.
- Fixed an issue where all World Tiers were showing as unlocked even though players had not met the prerequisites.
- More stability improvements.
#Todays #Hotfixes #Toxic #Claws #Druid #Passive #World #Levels #Diablo