Today’s Hotfixes: Fateful Raids, Items, and Rewards – World of Warcraft


Raid Finder, Jeweled Signet Ring of Melandrus…

A new salvo of fixes was deployed last night on WoW. This applies to Fate Raids on Raid Finder difficulty as well as certain items and rewards. Find the details below.

August 26, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fate Raids
    • Reduced the minimum item level for the queue of all Fateful Raid Finder wings to 230 (down from 240).
      • Developers’ Note: This restriction was too punitive due to Raid Finder’s importance of providing new and returning players with an intermediate step to participate in Season 4’s high-level activities. provided by the Fateful Powers themselves more than makes up for this item level discrepancy, so parties shouldn’t have any more difficulty overcoming encounters.

Items and Rewards

  • Reduced Melandrus’ Jeweled Signet damage increase by 74%.
    • Developers’ note: The spell effect change made to Melandrus’ Jeweled Signet Ring for Legion’s Timewalking release inadvertently also caused it to increase damage from abilities that scale with weapon damage. . In some cases, the overall power gain was much higher than expected. This hotfix retains the current functionality but adjusts the balancing accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue where a Cosmic Creation Pulse or Sacred Creation Pulse could be used directly on Fateful modules in Founders Sepulcher, Fateful armor created by the modules can still be upgraded.

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