Today’s horoscope: predictions for Friday, December 9 about love, health and money, according to your zodiac sign | Horoscope, Peru | Jhan Sandoval | Horoscope

Zodiac signs


Aries All those that allow you to exercise a commanding voice and where you can take initiatives. It is very common for them to seek independence, since they have problems obeying. They have a preference for management positions, executives, foremen and where they can freely compete. They are good for work related to sports. They detest routine activities, teamwork, and patient labor. They incline to militancy, to sports, they may be attracted to medicine and especially to surgery. Taurus

Any job that allows stability, a slow pace, in a pleasant environment and where a certain routine is experienced. Sectors related to art, creativity, beauty, such as construction and finance, powerfully call their attention. Also, it is very common to find a Taurus in professions related to agriculture or livestock. They are very good bankers, merchants, farmers, accountants, jewelers and mathematicians.


All those that link travel or movement. Intellectual works related to communication, writing or exchange. Trade, tourism, administration, accounting, as well as language translation. In addition to transportation, journalism, locution and teaching.

Cancer They love working at home or being associated with tasks that have to do with caring for the home or family, as well as with children: early childhood education, caregivers, geriatrics, pediatrics, neonatology, etc. The professions or work related to food: gastronomy, nutrition, food engineering, also beverage or food merchants, fishing engineering and the maritime career would be added. Any public service work is good for them, such as working in a hotel or restaurant. This sign is very common in politicians. They always return to the past, they may be attracted to history, archeology, restorers of works of art, etc. Leo

All work that is related to organizing, directing and commanding. He is very creative, he needs spaces where he can be inspired and translate his ideas, many of them brilliant and successful. They are good directors, bosses, presidents of the board of directors, foremen, organizers and managers. It is the sign of dramatic art, there are many people dedicated to acting who were born under this zodiac sign. They can be good jewelers, actors, event and party organizers, etc.


They are interested in intellectual work or those that require careful observation and analysis. In addition to all work related to the service, the routine, methodical and practical. They can be good craftsmen, secretaries, scientists, chemists, mathematicians,

nurses, doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists, administrators, accountants, civil servants, watchmakers, inspectors and even literary critics.


Any activity that requires tact, good manners, elegance and a sense of beauty: cosmetics, hairdressing, hosts, receptionists, teacher of ceremonies etc Activities related to art or culture. They tend to diplomatic work, they can be lawyers, advisors, conciliators, public relations, artists, interior decorators, designers, dressmakers and confectionery specialists (Venus).


Any activity that requires discretion, that can be done in silence or in a hidden way. Work related to investigation, criminology, psychiatry or medicine, especially surgery. They are good detectives, police officers, soldiers, psychologists, occultists, tarot readers, financiers, insurance agents and undertakers.


All those where they feel free, independent or with freedom of action. They love studies, they can lean towards science, teaching, also towards law (Jupiter), they can be very good lawyers or judges. Everything related to foreigners draws their attention: interpreters, translators, tourist agent, pilot, importers, customs, etc.


It is good to assume positions of responsibility, in which you can plan in detail and control everything. You feel comfortable with a job that demands responsibility, method, routine and even where you can feel demanded. They are good administrators, company directors, businessmen and even politicians. Mining and agricultural work can be exciting for you, as well as architecture, construction or science.


They need a profession that can give them independence, autonomy and the possibility to experiment. A career linked to technology or communications is doing well, as well as those related to creativity or the avant-garde. Science, aeronautics, radio, cinema or television are areas where you can display all your talents.


Jobs where support for the most suffered is important. They have a sense of sacrifice and a great capacity for service. They cannot be in places where there is a lot of competition or rivalry, they prefer a job where they can be useful, without the need for compare yourself with others. They are very good nurses, medical technicians, doctors, priests, spiritual guides, occultists, tarot readers, veterinarians, sailors, artists, musicians, instrumentalists, set designers, mediums, clairvoyants, and hoteliers.

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