Today’s ephemeris: what happened on October 11 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

In the ephemeris of October 11 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1838. The French blockade

In the framework of the French blockade, the invading troops assault the Martín García island. The invasion is carried out together with the troops of Fructuoso Rivera, the Uruguayan caudillo who founded the Colorado Party, and a group of Unitarians. The garrison resists the attack, but is ultimately defeated. Only with the end of the blockade, two years later, the government of Juan Manuel de Rosas will be able to recover the island.

1885. Alicia Moreau de Justo is born

Born in London Alicia Moreau. He arrived in Argentina when he was four years old. She graduated as a doctor and began to militate in feminism and the Socialist Party, whose founder and leader, Juan B. Justo, she married in 1922. They had three children and she was widowed in 1928. She campaigned for women’s suffrage and confronted Peronism, whose militants burned the socialist headquarters following the April 15, 1953 attack. He stayed in the Authentic Socialist Party along with Alfredo Palacios following the internal schism, while Américo Ghioldi led the Democratic Socialist Party. She was one of the founders of the APDH. Elected “Doctor of the Century” by the UBA, she died on May 12, 1986, at the age of one hundred.

1896. Tomorrow Anton Bruckner

At the age of 72 he dies Anton Bruckner in Vienna. The Austrian composer was one of the most outstanding symphonists of the 19th century. A follower of Wagner, that cost him the dislike of Viennese critics, and his figure was revalued only following his death. Three masses, a Te Deum and, especially, the cycle of the nine symphonies (death prevented him from finishing the ninth), mark the peak of his production.

1904. Nace Tita Merello

One of the greatest figures of the Argentine show is born: Tita Merello. She was an actress and singer, and in her old age she participated in television series. She excelled in ¡Tango!the first Argentine sound film, released in 1933, in Arrabal, the islanders y Supply Market, among other titles. In 1990 she was named Illustrious Citizen of the City of Buenos Aires. She was confined in the Favaloro Foundation, she died there on Christmas Eve 2002, at the age of 98.

1962. The Second Vatican Council

Pope John XXIII inaugurates the Second Vatican Council, the most important fact of the Catholic Church in the 20th century. Nearly 2,500 bishops from around the world came to Rome for the sessions, which lasted until 1965. Paul VI, who succeeded John XXIII, was in charge of closing the Council, which among other measures suppressed the Latin mass.

2018. Hebe Uhart dies

The writer There is Uhart dies at 81. His literary career began in 1962 with the stories of God, Saint Peter and the souls. He published collections of stories such as the light of a new day, Leonor, leading ivy, tourists y the cat was to blame. From 1974 is his first novel, Maruja’s elevationwhich was followed, among others, Memoirs of a pygmy, changes y Miss. He also published chroniclesas Chronic Traveler y Animals.

In addition, in Argentina the Dulce de Leche Day.



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