Today Ukraine celebrates Beekeeper’s Day

On August 19, representatives of the sweetest profession celebrate their professional holiday. Beekeeper’s Day, a professional holiday of beekeepers, began to be celebrated in Ukraine in 1997.

He writes about it

The work of a beekeeper may seem simple and unpretentious to a person who is far from the process of collecting honey. In fact, it is painstaking and hard work that requires close attention and care for the bees. In order for honey to be of high quality, it is necessary to monitor the health of bees, the place where they collect nectar, and the general condition of the hives. In addition, fragile insects need protection from drafts, fire, pests and diseases, which takes a lot of time and effort.

Beekeeping requires full commitment from a person, including giving up bad habits. Bees cannot stand strong smells: from perfume to the smell of tobacco and alcohol. However, everyone who works with bees develops immunity to stings – the stung area does not swell and the stings themselves are not very painful, and bees do not sting calm people at all.

On Beekeeper’s Day, I would like to note that every seventh ton of honey in the world is Ukrainian. About five million bee families and hundreds of beekeepers “work” in the country’s apiaries today. Let these striped families be friendly, swarm less and winter well.



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