Today: The secret of the visible miracles of G. Tammuz!

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Third Tammuz is known as a day where visible miracles are performed. Why? • The heads of the Yeshiva and the leading judges will meet together at the Rosh Yeshiva on the occasion of the third day of Tammuz.

On the third day of Tammuz – the day that Joshua set the fire in Gibeon – and the whole world saw the visible miracle that the Holy One had done for Israel – Rosh Golat Ariel, the head of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Baruch Dov Pobarsky Shalita, convened the number of great men of the generation in his house, for a special prayer for the donors of the city treasury As the Almighty God did for the people to ask visible miracles in the days of Joshua – this is how he will also perform visible miracles for them this year in the year 2014 on this day to deliver them from their troubles in general and in particular.

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The members of the Holy Minyan will mention each and every name of the contributors to the city treasury in detail – that thanks to charity, the quorum, and the able day – they will get to see visible miracles, and as a promise from Maran Sher of the Torah ZIA, every donor to the city treasury gets to see visible miracles!

At the end of the prayer, the holy minyan who will gather at Beit Garad will sign a bill of visible miracles, for those who donate a fixed contribution to Magvet J’Tammuz

And this is the wording of the special note:
Bill of visible miracles On the third day of Tammuz – 3,000 years ago, Joshua put the sun before the eyes of the whole world by saying “Shemesh in Gibeon Dum” – and this day was designated in Israel as a day on which visible miracles can be performed.
It is also well known that the power of charity becomes a duty to merit and arouses great mercy in heaven, and the charity of the city treasury is the most select charity and is distributed every month to thousands of responsive and needy souls, that is why we petitioned you on the third day of Tammuz Tashpad in the standing of the great men of the generation, for the dear ones… (Ex. the donors) that thanks to the charity to the city treasury and thanks to the ruling of the court on the day of the third Tammuz, the Almighty will perform visible miracles for them and they will receive great salvations, but goodness and kindness will pursue them all the days of their lives, wealth and wealth in their homes, happiness and honor wherever they turn and they will have no sorrow or harm at all , we came here on the third day of Tammuz in the seat of Beit Din (the signatures of ten great and righteous men of the 19th generation).

The City Treasury notes that the wording of the note speaks for itself, and the fact that the head of Golat Ariel, Rabbi Garbad Povarski of the Litt’a and the Ten Great Leaders of the Generation agreed unanimously that this class has the power to act in salvation, thanks to the virtue of the holy day, thanks to the mitzvot of charity and thanks to the power The teachings of our great sages of the generation, all of these are a clear testimony that this wonderful virtue is indeed worthy in order to make an effort and participate in it, and there is no doubt that anyone who volunteers for charity in order to be included in this holy group, will not be harmed by this, and will see supernatural blessing and success in whatever he turns to.

This is the time to take action, here and now, to enter the thick of the beam, to make a permanent contribution to charity that supports poor families and enables them to exist with dignity, and to win visible salvation and visible graces from God.

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