Today is Tiangong’s birthday, I asked Mitac to reveal the secrets of these 4 zodiac signs to make a lot of money | There are countless gold and silver treasures |

Senior reporter Zhong Zhipeng / Report from Taipei

▲On the ninth day of the first month of the first lunar month, I asked Mitac to reveal the secret fortune of making money in the first half of the year for the 12 zodiac signs. (Photo/photographed by reporter Zhong Zhipeng)

Today is the ninth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, which is the birthday of the Jade Emperor. Ask God Master Wang Chongli to expose the fortunes of the 12 zodiac signs in the first half of 2023. “Rat, Ox, Snake, Dog” 4 zodiac signs don’t invest indiscriminately and be careful of being cheated. Friends who belong to “Horse” have the best fortune in wealth, and also disclose the way to make big money from “Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Pig” , the Year of the Rabbit is prosperous and rich, making a lot of money, and the banknotes are endless.

On the ninth day of the first month of the first lunar month, the public is born, and I asked the gods to reveal the secret fortunes of making money in the first half of the year for the 12 zodiac signs.  (Photo/provided by Mucha Guide Palace)

▲ On the ninth day of the first month of the first lunar month, the public is born, and I asked God to expose the secret fortune of making money in the first half of the year for the 12 zodiac signs. (Photo/provided by Mucha Guide Palace)

The first half of 2023 is from the 14th day of the first month of the lunar calendar (February 4th in the Chinese calendar – Lichun) to the 21st day of the sixth lunar month (August 7th in the Chinese calendar)

【Rat──beware of man-made traps】

During the first half of the year, the most important thing you need to pay attention to is – try not to make large investments, because there may be people who are framed by people. It is the safest way to invest when the best time in half a year appears.

【Bull──Beware of losses caused by temptation】

There is no problem with fixed income at work, but please try to avoid investments other than fixed income. During the first half of the year, you are more likely to cause financial losses due to artificial temptations. Therefore, during this period, if you want to increase capital, invest, and expand operations The idea is that it is safer to suspend it first.

【Tiger ── Partial wealth profit at 20%~30%】

The salary of a full-time job is very stable, and there will be high profit opportunities in investment. However, since the probability of making profits in partial wealth is about 20% to 30%, it is still recommended not to over-invest.

[Rabbit──Prosperous wealth investment will be rewarded, be careful of investment fraud in the first month of the lunar calendar]

The income from full-time work will grow steadily, and there will be some profits in other investments. During the 29th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, it is easy to encounter the trap of investment fraud, which will lead to financial loss, so please be careful.

【Dragon──Abstain from investment from January to March of the lunar calendar】

The full-time job income is stable, and the investment is recommended for the four-month period from January 22 of the Chinese calendar (the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar) to May 18 of the Chinese calendar (the 29th day of the third month of the lunar calendar). month) Pause first – During the downturn of fortune, it is easy to mistrust other people’s suggestions and make your investment lose.

【Snake──Beware of others encouraging you to make big investments】

The salary of full-time work is stable. Although there is no big profit in investment, there is also a small gain. Overall, the gradual growth in wealth is not bad. However, in the first half of the year, there are likely to be people who advocate you to make a large investment, which makes you feel that you cannot miss the opportunity-be careful, and don’t invest money rashly, otherwise the investment may not make a profit and create a lot of disputes.

【Horse──Foreign fortune is good】

The salary of a full-time job is stable, and there may even be opportunities for promotion and salary increase. There is also room for profit in investment and financial management. In the first half of the year, you can say that you have a very good prospect in terms of wealth.

On the ninth day of the first month of the first lunar month, the public is born, and I asked the gods to reveal the secret fortunes of making money in the first half of the year for the 12 zodiac signs.  (Picture / flip from pixabay)

▲ On the ninth day of the first month of the first lunar month, the public is born, and I asked God to expose the secret fortune of making money in the first half of the year for the 12 zodiac signs. (Picture / flip from pixabay)

【Sheep──Wealth fortune is weak, investment is easy to lose money】

During the first half of the year, friends who belong to the sheep are less affected by the low luck in terms of full-time salary, and the influence is wider, mainly in the aspect of investment and financial management. Since the wealth fortune during this period is relatively weak, there is little room for investment profit, and you may even lose money if you are not careful, so it is recommended to maintain the status quo in investment in the first half of the year.

【Monkey──There are good and bad,Watch out for those who say things too perfectly

Salaries for full-time jobs have grown steadily. There are good and bad aspects of investment: on the good side, the salary of a full-time job allows you to have a lot of savings, and then you have the ability to make other investments, and all of them are profitable; the bad part is that you are prone to fraud, if you are online If you want to invest in half a year, please pay attention to those who speak too perfectly.

【Chicken──impulsive resignation is not good for wealth】

The salary of a full-time job can be maintained stable. I’m afraid that you may quit your job impulsively because of a little unhappiness during this period. If this is the case, the full-time income will be affected. Maintain the status quo so that nothing unexpected happens. As for investment, it is not recommended to do it during the first half of the year. The slump in wealth will give people a great chance to make a wrong decision. Not only will they not be able to make profits, they may even lose all their money.

【Dog──Be careful with your salary to make up for the big hole in your investment】

The salary of a full-time job can remain stable. Although the chance of salary increase is small, at least there will be no decrease in income—unless you have a problem with your investment and you have to use your salary to make up for the investment loss.

In order not to affect the full-time salary, it is recommended that you do not make new investments in the first half of the year, or at least reduce the amount of investment, so as to maintain a relatively stable financial fortune.

【Pig──Smooth wind, but don’t forget to leave a way out】

The salary of full-time work is stable, and there are opportunities for salary increases. Even in terms of investment, there will be profits! Your wealth luck in the first half of the year can be said to be smooth, but it is still recommended that you invest according to your means. Although you are in a period of strong luck, it is the safest way to leave a safe retreat for yourself.

On the ninth day of the first month of the first lunar month, the public is born, and I asked the gods to reveal the secret fortunes of making money in the first half of the year for the 12 zodiac signs.  (Photo/Provided by Persimmon Culture)

▲ On the ninth day of the first month of the first lunar month, the public is born, and I asked God to expose the secret fortune of making money in the first half of the year for the 12 zodiac signs. (Photo/Provided by Persimmon Culture)

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