Today is a special holiday! Village Head’s Day

March 11 is a special holiday! Today we celebrate Village Head’s Day. This is a special day because it is a time when we can appreciate the people who are closest to the village inhabitants and know their problems.

Today the village heads have their own holiday. It should be noted that these are people who know best the problems of rural residents, their needs and expectations.

– Acting as a caregiver i village farmer it requires great commitment, unlimited working hours, the ability to integrate residents and involve them in deciding on matters that are most important to them. It is up to the Village Head, who represents the interests of village communities, to determine how many of their demands will be accepted by the municipal authorities and implemented. I would like to assure you that in your efforts to improve the living conditions of farming families and other rural residents, you have a partner in the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture – emphasizes Wojciech Legawiec, President of ARiMR.

based on ARiMR

Photo: Canva/archive

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