Today in History | The famous French painter François Boucher dies_Royal_Bado_Rome

Original title: Today in History | The famous French painter François Boucher dies

Lançois Boucher died on May 30, 1770. Boucher was a famous French painter, printmaker and designer, a painter who brought the Rococo style to the extreme. Representative works include “Odalisk Lying on the Sofa”, “Diana’s Rest”, “Grooming” and so on.

On September 29, 1703, Boucher was born into a family of painters in Paris. Started studying in his father’s studio in 1717. In 1721 under the tutelage of F · Lemoine. In 1723 he was awarded the Prize of Rome, but failed to receive a scholarship. A trip to Rome in 1727. Returned to Paris in 1731. Accredited by the Royal Academy of Fine Arts as a History Painter. In 1734 he became a full member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. In 1735, the first order was obtained from the royal family to create the ceiling painting of the “Princess Hall” in the Palace of Versailles. In 1737 he was elected full professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. In 1748, he began a close relationship with Madame Pompadour, who became his most powerful patron. In 1755 he was appointed overseer of the Gobelins Tapestry Factory. In 1765 he was appointed chief painter to the king. Elected President of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. In 1768 he resigned from the post of President of the Royal Academy of Arts. On May 30, 1770, died in his own room at the Louvre, and was buried in the Basilica of Saint-Germain-Roccellova.Return to Sohu, see more


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