Today, August 18, 1976, a five-day week is established in Secondary Education in Greece, what else happened

Today, August 18, 1976, a five-day week is established in Secondary Education in Greece, what else happened

Today, August 18, historical and important events happened for our country, but also for him World.

So let’s go back to the page of Time’s calendar to see what happened like today…


First written testimony about Karagiozis in the Athenian newspaper “Tahypteros Fimi”: “On the 21st of this year, the comedy of Karagiozis will be presented in Nafplion, having as its subject Haj-Abbatis and Kouszouk-Meimetin”.


Poet and playwright Federico García Lorca is executed by Franco’s Falangites.


The Japanese automobile manufacturer TOYOTA is founded.


Andreas Papandreou during class, when he was a professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Berkeley.
Andreas Papandreou, Professor of Economics at the University of Berkeley, is invited by the government of Constantinos Karamanlis and appointed president and scientific director of the newly established Center for Economic Research, later the Center for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE).


A five-day week is established in Secondary Education in Greece.


Historic day for the modern Olympic Games. The shot put event returns to its birthplace, the stadium of Ancient Olympia, after 1611 years. The winners are the Ukrainian Yuri Bilonog in the men’s category and the Cuban Yumilady Kumba in the women’s category.


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#Today #August #fiveday #week #established #Secondary #Education #Greece #happened



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