TOBACCO WITHDRAWAL: Stop smoking with electronic cigarettes

Why is the electronic cigarette a good solution to stop smoking?

Many people who want to quit smoking do not know what protocol to put in place to get rid of their bad habit. Patches, chewing gum containing nicotine or other nicotine substitutes, it is far from easy to find the solution that meets your needs, especially when it is difficult to do without gestures. It is precisely because it offers a smooth transition that the electronic cigarette must be seriously considered. In addition, it has been suggested that the electronic cigarette is considerably less harmful than the traditional cigarette.

The electronic cigarette acts on the different forms of addiction

It is no secret that tobacco is very harmful to health. Respiratory disorders, including shortness of breath, cancer, cardiovascular disease, skin problems, the negative effects of traditional cigarettes on human health are no longer counted. All of these reasons lead smokers to ask themselves the following question at some point in their life: How to quit smoking ?

Several options are offered by tobacco specialists, but it is still difficult to find the “miracle solution”. Among the effective means of ending tobacco, the electronic cigarette has the advantage of acting on the three addictions of the smoker that are

  • physical dependence on nicotine,
  • gesture addiction,
  • and psychological dependence linked to pleasure.

Indeed, some e-liquids used for vaping contain nicotine, the rate of which must be adjusted until weaning. It should be noted in passing that if nicotine causes an addictive effect, it is actually the carcinogenic compounds, carbon monoxide and oxidizing gases contained in smoke which constitute the real dangers of traditional cigarettes. Then, the electronic cigarette allows you to keep the gesture and the pleasure of smoking until you can change your habits and get rid of them. It is always more effective to gradually switch to quitting smoking altogether rather than stopping suddenly.

The electronic cigarette is much less harmful than the traditional cigarette

Vape is the subject of many rumors and false allegations in the media. This is how we can read here and there that we lack perspective on this practice or even that e-liquids are dangerous. However, today, many studies carried out on the electronic cigarette speak for themselves: the vape is 95% less harmful than the cigarette. This is in particular the position of Public Health England, the British Ministry of Health.

One of the main benefits for vapers is that they don’t inhale all of the harmful substances found in traditional cigarettes.

How to choose the right electronic cigarette?

So that the electronic cigarette is a real ally on the road that leads to quitting smoking, it is advisable to take your time to choose the right model. It is essential to feel comfortable with the vape, but also to avoid breakdowns which can lead to resuming tobacco during the first weeks of abstinence. In particular, you must pay attention:

  • to the tank: the part that stores the e-liquid,
  • in e-liquid: with or without the presence of nicotine. We must also choose the aroma (s) that we like,
  • to the rechargeable battery: a high voltage battery gives off a greater quantity of vapor. It is also relaxing the autonomy of the electronic cigarette. For heavy smokers, significant autonomy is strongly recommended so as not to be short and to want to rush to tobacco;
  • electrical resistance: this is the part that heats and vaporizes the liquid contained in the tank.

In order to find the model that suits you, you have to take the time to talk to the seller in the store, expert in vaping. Introduce him to all the parameters that are important in your vaping experience, he will for sure be able to direct you to the most suitable model.

And there are a lot of them on the market.



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