To the country’s social workers – “Kindness stars” and thanks

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“Modern society can no longer be imagined without social workers. You make a significant contribution to changing and improving the lives of vulnerable people – families, children, young people, people with disabilities, seniors, people experiencing social risks – you strengthen communities, you contribute to the creation of social welfare in our country. I thank you for your dedication to work, initiative, professionalism and sincerity,” said Minister of Social Security and Labor Monika Navickienė, presenting the “Stars of Kindness” and thanks.

The “Star of Kindness” mark of distinction is the highest ministerial award given to individuals who have particularly distinguished themselves in the field of social security and labor.

During the event, “Kindness Stars” were presented to VšĮ Pal. To Dalia Beliukevičiūta, head of the J. Matulaitis social center, Jūrate Matikoviene, head of the Charity and Support Foundation “Pagalbos mäte tarnyba”, Martyn Palioniis, director of VšĮ SOTAS, Alma Buginyta, head of the Santaras clinic’s social worker support department, Neringa Žalėna, head of the independent living home “Savi namai” department, and Ona Budrienei, deputy director of Didvyžiai social care home.

D. Beliukevičiūtė is a representative of the first generation of social workers who started to develop social work practice. She was actively involved in providing assistance to children experiencing difficulties, and became the founder of one of the first day care centers for children in Lithuania. Also, together with like-minded people, he founded a successful non-governmental organization – VšĮ “Socialinis veikmas” – which was the first in Lithuania to start providing and develop a new social work service – street work with young people.

J. Matikovienė is the founder and manager of the charity and support fund “Pagalbos mäte tarnyba”. More than 200 people receive the services provided by the organization every year, and more than 70,000 are provided. service hours. Through her work practice, she has accumulated a lot of experience in designing, coordinating and implementing projects and providing direct social services to the elderly or disabled people experiencing poverty and other social problems.

M. Palionis has implemented several initiatives publicizing the good experience of child care, attracting people interested in care to care for children who have lost parental care. With his active actions, he actively contributed to the realization of the goal that every child grows up in a family and not in care institutions. After the start of the war in Ukraine, M. Palionis actively contributed to solving the issues of organizing assistance to Ukrainian guardians who came to Lithuania. M. Palionis is also a member of the ethics commission of employees in the field of social services.

A. Buginytė is one of the pioneers of professional social work in Lithuania, scientific publications and social research on psychosocial rehabilitation, quality of social services, inclusion of persons with mental disorders and other topics. On her initiative, the Methodological Center of Social Work of the Republican Vilnius Psychiatric Hospital was established.

N. Žalėnė successfully applies the bibliotherapy method in her work. She is active in social media – presents the current affairs of social work, innovations, promotes the profession of a social worker. N. Žalėnė is the creator and implementer of the motivational campaign “Social Work Star” which has been carried out by the Association of Social Workers of Lithuania for several years.

O. Budrienė has many years of work experience in social work, is characterized by excellent strategic thinking, makes decisions independently and promptly, shares best practices, promotes positive social changes. She is an example of a responsible social worker for nursing home staff and service recipients.

The Day of Lithuanian Social Workers has been officially celebrated in Lithuania since 2004.

Social workers in Lithuania have been trained since 1991, and this is one of the youngest professions in the country. During all this time, social work has formed as an independent, unique profession with a legal, scientific and methodological basis for its activities, and an active professional community. Currently, almost 15 thousand people work in the country. employees in the field of social services, including about 5 thousand. – social workers. Over the last five years, the number of employees in the field of social services has increased by more than 3 thousand. The number of recipients of social services reaches almost 98 thousand, over the last five years they have increased by over 30 thousand.

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor strives for social work in the country to be visible and valued, and for social service workers, as professionals in their field, to be equal to representatives of other prestigious professions, to gain and maintain people’s trust, to be active and proactive.

The wages of social workers are growing every year. Compared to 2018, wages have doubled. The average salary of social workers “in hand” in 2023. is 1163 euros, in 2018 was 583 euros. Despite this, the average salary of social workers is still below the average salary in the country – this year it is 95.5%.

It is always aimed to ensure better working conditions for social workers. Since October 2022, the Center for the Improvement of Professional Competences of Social Services Employees has been operating, which is responsible for organizing and conducting free trainings, providing methodological assistance, and assisting new social services employees in their professional activities. In a relatively short period of time, this center has already achieved excellent results.

Since July of this year, the code of ethics for employees in the field of social services has been in effect. This new and important document provides for high standards of activity of social workers, norms of behavior, highlights values.

#countrys #social #workers #Kindness #stars

Interview with Minister Monika Navickienė: Celebrating Social Workers in⁤ Lithuania

Editor: Thank ⁢you​ for joining us, Minister Navickienė. Your recent comments at the “Stars of Kindness” ​event highlighted the vital role of social workers in modern society. Can you elaborate on why their contributions are⁣ so essential?

Minister Navickienė: Thank you for having⁢ me. Social workers are the backbone of our community‍ support systems.‌ They‍ dedicate their lives to improving the circumstances of the most‍ vulnerable populations, ⁤including families, children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. Their commitment not only ‌helps to strengthen communities but ​also plays a crucial role in​ building a safer and more inclusive ‌social ⁤fabric in Lithuania.

Editor: ‍ This‍ year’s “Stars⁤ of⁢ Kindness” ‍honored several‌ remarkable individuals and organizations.⁣ Can you tell us about ⁤some of the extraordinary work ‌being done by this year’s recipients?

Minister Navickienė: ⁢Certainly. For instance, Dalia Beliukevičiūtė has significantly impacted children’s⁤ lives through her pioneering ​efforts in establishing day ⁤care centers and the non-governmental organization “Socialinis veikmas.” Similarly, ‍Jūrate Matikoviene’s​ charity has provided over 70,000 service hours ‌to support individuals experiencing poverty​ and social challenges. Each recipient has demonstrated excellence in moving⁣ social work forward and⁣ making a tangible difference in people’s lives.

Editor: The‍ growth of social services‌ in Lithuania has been impressive since 1991. How does the government support the ongoing​ development of this ‍profession?

Minister Navickienė: We are dedicated⁣ to ensuring that social work is recognized and valued as a professional career.‌ Over the past five ​years, we’ve seen a substantial increase in the workforce, now boasting nearly 15,000 employees in social services. Our ⁢aim is to⁢ create a robust legal and methodological framework, ​train new professionals, and provide continual support, all of which help maintain public trust in social work as an indispensable‌ service.

Editor: You mentioned the visibility and value of social work in Lithuania. What initiatives are in place to promote this?

Minister Navickienė: The Ministry is actively involved​ in campaigns to elevate the profile of social work. This includes initiatives like the “Social Work Star” campaign, which highlights innovations and promotes the profession. We want to ensure that society understands the significance of social work and sees our social workers as equals to other respected professionals.

Editor: Lastly, as ⁤we celebrate the Day of Lithuanian Social Workers, what message do you want to convey to the social workers​ themselves?

Minister Navickienė: ‌ I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all social workers in Lithuania.​ Your dedication, compassion, and professionalism truly change lives. You inspire ‌hope in​ those who need it the most, and your role is pivotal in fostering a better society for all. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to kindness and social welfare.

Editor: Thank you, Minister Navickienė, for sharing ⁢your insights and celebrating the ‌impactful ‌work of social workers ⁢in ‌Lithuania.

Hodological framework to support these professionals, which includes free training and a newly implemented code of ethics for social workers. We’re also focused on increasing wages, which have significantly doubled since 2018, although we acknowledge that there’s still work to be done to reach parity with other professions in the country.

Editor: You’ve mentioned the recent introduction of the code of ethics for social service workers. How is this expected to impact their professional conduct and the perception of social work as a whole?

Minister Navickienė: The code of ethics sets a standard for quality in social work practice. It underscores the values such as dignity, integrity, and accountability that we believe are essential for all social workers. We expect this to not only enhance the professional conduct of social workers but also to instill greater trust and confidence in the community regarding their role. A strong ethical foundation will help elevate the profile of social work and encourage more individuals to consider it as a career.

Editor: Looking forward, what do you envision for the future of social work in Lithuania?

Minister Navickienė: I see a bright future where social work is not only recognized as a critical profession but also receives the respect it deserves. I envision continued growth in our social service workforce, with more innovative practices to address the evolving needs of our community. By investing in training, ethical standards, and better working conditions, we can ensure that social workers continue to thrive and effectively support the vulnerable populations in our society.

Editor: Thank you, Minister Navickienė, for sharing your insights and for your commitment to uplifting social workers in Lithuania.

Minister Navickienė: Thank you for bringing attention to this important topic.

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