To study the brain, Toulouse scientists are looking for volunteers to play a video game

Play in the service of science. Researchers at Isae-Supaero in Toulouse, the Higher Institute for Aeronautics and Space, are looking for volunteers. Scientists need 140 people aged 18 to 35 to play a video game in two one and a half hour sessions. Applicants should not have a neurological or psychiatric history.

Never have played Space Fortress

The game ? SpaceFortress. But if you know, it’s the famous 80s arcade game where the goal is to control a spaceship and destroy a fortress. Moreover, the institute is not only looking for gamers, but anyone never played this game. If you’ve already played it, move on. This game has no secrets for you and you will not be useful to science sorry.

Can we predict human error?

The objective of this study is to see how we can predict the performance of an individual, if we can predict human error. The researchers will record the player’s brain activity to determine if it is possible to predict an individual’s ability to perform certain complex tasks.

A measurement of brain activity will be made, using an electroencephalogram (yes, yes, the thing in the photo, like in sci-fi movies and series). This technique makes it possible to measure the electrical activity of the brain. The goal is to see if scientists can predict performance at this video game says Quentin Chenot, researcher in neuroergonomics. He is one of the scientists leading the study. He is interested in predicting performance from brain activity. He compares : “it’s like trying to predict the performance of an athlete from the structure of his muscles”.

An experience already a victim of its own success

If you are interested, hurry up! There is still room for May and June, all slots for March and April are already closed. To register, candidates are invited to apply by email to the address: [email protected] or through the following link.

Along the way, each volunteer is given a gift card worth 30 euros. Not a bad reward.

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