To provide quality food to 45,000 students, a business meeting was held in Cordillera

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Fruit and vegetable producers and MSMEs from Cordillera participated in the business roundtable held with the company awarded the contract to provide school meals to some 45,000 students in the department through the program “Zero Hunger in Schools.” The provision of local inputs aims to provide a quality service for students.

Within the framework of Resolution No. 027/24 of the National School Feeding Council, which approved the “Strategy for linking to the value chain of the Zero Hunger Program for Family Farming and local MSMEs”, the Comprehensive Business Roundtable (RNI) was held.

This initiative benefits producers of Family Agriculture (AF) and MSMEs, connecting them with opportunities to supply the value chain of the Government’s flagship program.

School lunches will initially be delivered in three districts of the Cordillera department: Isla Pucu, Mbokayaty and Juan de Mena.

This plan would cover approximately 12,000 students per school day in this first year and next year it will reach 45,000 students in all districts of the department.

It should be noted that business agreements and intentions will be monitored through the submission of monthly purchase reports by the awarded companies and the uploading of invoices generated by the MSMEs and AFs from whom they have acquired goods/services.

On this occasion, the governor of the aforementioned department delivered vegetable seeds to the Agricultural Development Center of Cordillera.

The event was attended by authorities and officials from: the Cordillera Government, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Senave, Habilitation Agricultural Credit, Senacsa, INAN, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Banco Nacional de Fomento and Ladero Paraguayo.

#provide #quality #food #students #business #meeting #held #Cordillera
2024-09-08 10:34:02



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