To make up for the regrets in the acceptance speech, Tang Wei thanked her husband and daughter in the air | Blue Dragon Queen | Kim Tae Yong

[The Epoch Times, December 31, 2022](Reported by Epoch Times reporter Zhong Youchun) Mainland actressTang WeiThis year, he won several South Korean actress awards for his starring role in the Korean film “The Determination to Break Up”.She became the first non-Korean actress at the Blue Dragon Awards. She said in an interview with Lu Media a few days ago that she would like to thank her husband, a Korean director.Kim Tae YongAnd the support of my daughter Summer.

According to Sina Entertainment,Tang WeiDuring the interview, she revealed that when she accepted the award at the Blue Dragon Awards in Korea, “Summer’s father (Kim Tae Yong) sent a video he shot (in Beijing), “Although the two places are separated, the family members are very concerned about whether she won the award, and the 6-year-old daughter was very happy when she heard her name.

However, after seeing her daughter’s happy appearance, Tang Wei was startled: “Because I was too busy, I couldn’t say ‘thank you’ to my family who supported me the most in the world. After the awards ceremony, I went backstage, and I remembered to thank my family. .” And said that he had a “guilty feeling” for this.

Taking the opportunity of this interview, Tang Wei praised her daughter as “a good boy, the best little master, who helps me take care of my family.” At the same time, she shouted to her husband: “You are the one who will always support me behind me like a steady Tarzan. Without you, I would have no ideals.”

Tang Wei also mentioned that after learning that she won the best actress in Qinglong, her father, who is a painter, congratulated her by quoting Lao Tzu’s “Tao Te Ching”: “Hold the basics and keep the truth, and the emptiness is extremely quiet.” The 8-character motto is not only her father’s encouragement to her, but also his father’s self-encouragement.

Tang Wei, 42 years old this year, met in 2010 when he collaborated with South Korean director Kim Tae-yong in the movie “Late Autumn”.

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Tang Wei has lived in South Korea for a long time after marriage. Last year, he took his daughter back to China for a period of time because he participated in a film event. Because only his daughter was with him on his birthday, and Tang Wei’s mother and daughter were in Beijing for the Chinese New Year, Kim Tae-yong still stayed in South Korea to make a movie, which caused the mainland media It was reported that Tang Wei and Kim Tae-yong had a 7-year marriage change.

Tang Wei, who was too lazy to “refute the rumors”, posted a “family portrait” later. Although none of the three showed up, I saw her daughter sitting in the middle, holding the arms of her parents and playing with toys. The picture is warm. Some netizens saw the warm group photo of a family of three, and asked curiously: “What kind of toy is this?” and called it “the most comfortable state for a family of three.”

In fact, on the 12th, half a month ago, Tang Wei posted a photo of the cake on IG. Although there is no accompanying text, the 6-year-old daughter wrote in Chinese in her diary: “Today I ate my father’s birthday cake.” She also drew a smiling face at the end of the text, looking quite satisfied.

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei

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