To complete the federal budget, Ahmed Laaouej (PS) asks for an “exceptional contribution on major heritage”

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The Proposed Slaughter Without Stunning Ordinance was rejected on Wednesday in committee of the Brussels parliament, the vote was postponed to the plenary session. The PS voted once morest in Brussels while it voted for on the same issue in the Walloon Region.

Guest on La Première, Ahmed Laaouejpresident of the PS group in the Chamber finds “strange that in Brussels some focus on the slaughter of cattle and sheep when the problem is much more general: there is animal suffering in the fishing industry or in hunting for game. It is not because in Wallonia they may have been a little hasty that we should do the same thing in Brussels. We want a peaceful dialogue, and not an approach that creates a form of social divide” in matters of ritual slaughter.

He recognizes that there “had political discussions within the PS group of the Brussels parliament. A line was adopted and this line was expressed by the group leader, we vote as one man, even if some have reservations. We are a group politics and we assume our choices“.

Putting to work those who, thanks to speculation, during all these years have sometimes garnered colossal fortunes

With regard to the federal budget, it is necessary “to have new sources of financing, to involve speculators and fraudsters. Sources that do not affect workers or recipients are needed to refinance public services and health care. This is what we are putting on the table in a difficult context. Why not involve those who have very significant financial assets and reinject these means into basic services?

There is no wealth register in Belgium, but this would be done according to “a declarative system: people declare their income and the administration will check whether the declaration is accurate. The same would apply to this exceptional contribution on large estates. Other countries have done it, it is completely It is a question of putting to work those who, thanks to speculation, during all these years have sometimes amassed colossal fortunes“.

The measures proposed by the PS to fight once morest rising energy costs and to sustain the current social safety net would cost 6 billion euros. “With the tax on large estates, this would ensure a third of the revenue, to this would be added the taxation of capital gains. Third element: the fight once morest financial crime would be an investment“.

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