To break speed records in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, players are using this badge in unexpected ways

2023-10-28 14:09:20

Game News To beat speed records in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, players are using this badge in unexpected ways

Published on 10/28/2023 at 4:09 p.m.

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It’s been just over a week since Super Mario Bros. Wonder is out and players are already finding ways to break speed records. Among other things, badges that allow you to accomplish real feats.

Badges, a wonderful novelty

Mario was finally treated to a brand new 2D adventure with the release on October 20 of Super Mario Bros. Wondera resolutely old school opus which nevertheless gives a real facelift to the most famous formula of all platformers.

Benefiting from a sumptuous artistic direction, Mario Wonder also benefits from many new gameplay features. In addition to the different transformations of Mario and his friends, the whole team can also discover badges throughout the different levels. These badges are actually gameplay modifiers. There are three types – action, bonus and expert – and allow you to modify the abilities of the mustachioed plumber. It is therefore logical that fans of speed records have focused their attention on them.

The turbo bubble combo, a speedrunner’s best friend

It’s been eight days since Super Mario Bros. Wonder has been released and the community has already had time to discover all the secrets of the game. So, all the badges have been discovered. And it seems that one in particular is particularly suitable for speedrunning: turbo boots, an expert badge that can be obtained in world 1.

Associated with the bubble power-up, this badge allows you to perform infinite forward jumps and therefore go through the different levels without running into a single obstacle. If the turbo boots badge is necessary here, you must understand that it is mainly the bubble power-up which does the bulk of the work. Alone, this power-up already allows you to perform infinite jumps and therefore easily complete levels that offer great verticality. The complementarity of these two improvements therefore offers players a devastating combo which should allow them to break speed records in the future.

About Super Mario Bros. Wonder


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