TNI Deploys 12,000 Personnel to Secure the 10th World Water Forum – 2024-05-02 07:44:49

TNI Commander General TNI Agus Subiyanto (left) and National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo (right). (Antara/Fikri Yusuf)

The ranks of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) deployed 12,000 combined personnel from the Army (AD), Air Force (AU) and Navy (AL) to secure the holding of the 10th World Water Forum on 18-25 May 2024 in Bali.

“They are tasked with carrying out security and handling health there,” said Head of the TNI Information Center (Kapuspen) Major General TNI Nugraha Gumilar, in Jakarta, Monday (29/4/2024). TNI personnel began providing security at the location one week before the event took place.

Gumilar said this so that they could carry out monitoring and mapping of locations that must be closely guarded. TNI personnel are not only on guard on land, but also in the air and sea areas around the Island of the Gods. “We are deploying KRI in the Bali Strait and Lombok Strait,” he said.

Not only focusing on security, the TNI will also provide several aircraft fleets to carry out evacuations if a natural disaster occurs during the series of activities. “To prepare for an evacuation if there is a natural disaster or an eruption of Mount Agung, we are also preparing planes for evacuation there,” he said.

Health workers were also provided by the TNI to anticipate casualties from natural disasters that occurred in Bali. With these strict monitoring efforts, he hopes that the 10th World Water Forum activities in Bali can run smoothly and safely.

The World Water Forum is an international forum that involves a number of stakeholders in the water resources sector, ranging from government, parliament, political leaders, multilateral institutions, politicians, academics, civil society, to business actors. The 10th World Water Forum carries the theme Water for Shared Prosperity and will discuss several sub-themes, namely water security and prosperity; water for humans and nature; disaster risk reduction and management; water governance, cooperation and diplomacy; sustainable water financing, and knowledge and innovation. (RO/Z-2)

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