Title: “Skin Mole Myths Debunked: Expert Advice on Identifying and Monitoring Moles for Skin Cancer Risk”

2024-02-29 11:19:30

01:18 PM Thursday, February 29, 2024

Dr. Sona Isakova, an oncology specialist, answered a question about whether injury to a mole can lead to the development of cancer, noting that the common belief that repeated injury to a mole may lead to the development of cancer is a false belief, as it does not exist yet. Any medical proof in this regard.

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According to the Russia Today website, the doctor explains: “When you notice any changes in a mole, you should consult a dermatologist, who will carefully study the mole using a dermatoscope,” noting that skin cancer sometimes looks like a mole, so she recommends monitoring the condition of the moles. Self and periodically, and contact the doctor if you notice any change in its color or shape, or if it becomes multi-colored or begins to expand rapidly, or if its borders become uneven, or if nodules appear on it.

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The doctor advised to reduce the risk of the mole developing into a malignant tumor, it is necessary to use sunscreen year-round, as well as avoid exposure to a tanning bed, in addition to avoiding direct sunlight in the summer from 10 am to 4 pm, because the effect of ultraviolet rays during this period He is more aggressive.

The doctor explained that a mole can only be removed for cosmetic reasons, and the exception is giant moles that occupy more than 5% of the body area, as the risk of them developing into skin cancer can reach 20%, and also if the dermatologist discovers suspicious signs during the examination that may indicate To cancer.

You may also be interested in: Your guide to distinguishing signs of skin cancer from normal moles

#mole #presence #cancer

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