Titans Collide: The Epic Battle Between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Emerges

2024-09-11 01:47:00

he presidential debate between Donald Trump y Kamala Harris within this framework 2024 US election The Republican and Democratic candidates met for the first time at the iconic National Constitution Center on Tuesday night at 10 p.m., a historic event. from city Philadelphia.

22.25 Immigration

Harris invited viewers to Trump’s events so they could observe “him talking about fictional characters” and “them leaving early out of fatigue and boredom.” Trump emphasized that no one attended Harris’ event and assured that people in Ohio were eating “cats and dogs,” but debate coordinators disputed this.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Trump said there were more immigrants than the official number of 11 million and said he would implement a major deportation policy because “they destroy the fabric of our society.” He said “terrorists and drug dealers are coming in” and defined the new crime as “immigration crime”. Harris was harshly critical of Trump’s administration, highlighting the fact that many senior officials working in his administration have said it is dangerous for the United States because it violates the Constitution. Trump’s response: “I fired them. That’s why they wrote the book about me.”

Additionally, Trump referenced his assassination attempt when talking about using government as a weapon: “I probably got a bullet in the head because of what they said about me,” he said.

22.15 Debate over abortion

Trump is proud of his role in dismantling federal protections under Roe v. Trump. Wade in June 2022, thus allowing states to regulate abortion at their discretion. Thus, while discussing the matter, Harris condemned situations in which women were forced to become pregnant despite stillbirths and sexual abuse of minors.

Debate moderators corrected Trump when he accused her of lying when it came to women having abortions when they were nine months pregnant and “murdering babies already born.” “I am a leader in assisted fertilization,” the former president defended himself.

22.02 Harris and Trump debate begins: Economy and cost of living

The two candidates shook hands and began by commenting on the economy and the cost of living for Americans. Harris set out to make sure she was the only middle-class candidate, which is why she talked about an “opportunity economy.” He assured that his passion was the family business and said that “Trump has no plans for you because he is focused on defending himself.” He also said that his opponent’s government plans will lead to inflation and economic recession.

Trump, for his part, has defended his presidency and management of the pandemic and pledged to deport “criminally mentally ill” immigrants because they are the ones “stealing our jobs.” He also claimed that Kamala Harris did not have an economic plan of her own, that she had copied Joe Biden’s economic plan, and that China was “ripping people off.” Harris responded that Trump was actually funding China’s military development by selling electronic chips to China. “They bought them from Taiwan, we don’t make them anymore,” Trump responded, accusing her of being a “Marxist.”

Trump distances himself from Plan 2025 Heritage Foundation, Drafted by hundreds of prominent conservatives. “I haven’t read it yet. I don’t want to read it, on purpose. “I won’t read it,” he said. The vice president, for her part, blamed her opponents for leaving behind “the worst unemployment since the Great Depression… the worst public health epidemic in a century, and the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War. What do we do?” What we do? It’s about cleaning up Donald Trump’s mess,” Harris said.

Where to watch the presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

Face-to-face meeting between Republican giants and Democratic pledges to be broadcast live on streaming platform Disney+which would allow foreign audiences to witness it outside the United States. In different countries in Latin America you will see: Argentina 10pm, Venezuela 8pm, Puerto Rico 9pm.

US Election 2024 | Debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris: How to watch live

One of the features of this debate is that 2024 US election It will be important to note that the White House candidates’ microphones will only be activated during the time allocated to each candidate to avoid interruptions and ensure that viewers can clearly hear proposals from representatives of both parties.

Democratic candidate. Kamala Harris

chain organizer ABC of USA They elaborate, “No previously written notes or accessories will be allowed, only a pen and bottle of water will be provided.”

Debate rules have been agreed upon by the Trump campaign. Kamala Harrisand confirmed that “there will be no opening arguments, but there will be closing arguments.”

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris debate rules in the US

What are the five key points in the presidential debate regulations for the 2024 US election?

  • The debate will last 90 minutes, with advertisements in between

  • On Tuesday, September 3, a coin toss will be held to determine the location of the candidate’s podium.

  • The themes that will be developed will not be revealed in advance.

  • Campaign staff will not be able to interact with candidates during commercial breaks

  • Candidates will have two minutes to answer the question, two minutes to rebut, and one minute for a follow-up, clarification or response.

donald trump on the campaign trail Donald Trump

Final speeches by both candidates 2024 US election They will last two minutes. The order in which they speak is determined by a virtual coin toss, in which Donald Trump He won the choice and chose to speak last.

The importance of Pennsylvania and Georgia in the next U.S. election in 2024

Election prediction expert Allan Lichtman says who will win the 2024 U.S. election?

Election forecasting expert Allan Lichtman assures: “Here’s my prediction for this campaign, Kamala Harris will be the next president of the United States.” and will defeat Donald Trump in the November 5 polls.

The 77-year-old local historian designed his model using a forecasting method based on 13 “keys,” or general questions about candidates, parties and the economic, political and social context, in which nearly all election results were predicted. Correct.

2024 presidential debate moderator: Preparations for first meeting between Trump and Harris

His scholarly focus spans American political history, citizenship, and voting rights, and he is considered one of the most influential political analysts of his generation.

Powder Metallurgy/Machine Learning

#sharp #turns #attacks #debate #Donald #Trump #Kamala #Harris #begins

‌What were the key topics discussed during the Trump and Harris presidential debate?

2024 US⁢ Election: Trump and Harris Face Off‍ in Historic Debate

The highly anticipated presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris took place on Tuesday night at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The⁤ 90-minute debate marked the first face-to-face meeting between ⁣the Republican and Democratic candidates, and it did not disappoint.

Immigration and Abortion Take Center Stage

The debate⁣ touched on various topics, including immigration and abortion. Trump emphasized the ⁤need for stricter immigration policies, claiming that there are more ‍immigrants than the official number of 11 million. He ⁤also vowed to implement a major deportation policy, citing the ‍need to

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **The First Presidential Debate of 2024: Trump and Harris Face Off**:

The First Presidential Debate of 2024: Trump and Harris Face Off

The highly anticipated first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris took place on Tuesday night at the iconic National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The debate marked a historic event in the 2024 US election, with the Republican and Democratic candidates going head-to-head on key issues affecting the nation.

Immigration: A Divisive Issue

One of the most contentious topics of the night was immigration. Trump reiterated his stance on deporting millions of undocumented immigrants, citing their negative impact on American society. He claimed that there were more immigrants than the official number of 11 million and labelled them as “terrorists and drug dealers” [1[1]. Harris, on the other hand, was critical of Trump’s administration, highlighting its dangers to the Constitution and the harm caused to immigrant families.

Abortion: A Heated Exchange

The debate over abortion was another intense moment of the night. Trump proudly defended his role in dismantling federal protections under Roe v. Wade, allowing states to regulate abortion at their discretion [2[2]. Harris condemned situations where women were forced to become pregnant despite stillbirths and sexual abuse of minors. Trump was corrected by debate moderators when he accused Harris of lying about women having abortions at nine months pregnant.

Economy and Cost of Living: A Key Concern

The debate began with a discussion on the economy and cost of living for Americans. Harris positioned herself as the middle-class candidate, promoting an “opportunity economy.” Trump defended his presidency and management of the pandemic, pledging to deport “criminally mentally ill” immigrants who he claimed were “stealing our jobs” [3[3].

Where to Watch the Debate

The presidential debate was broadcast live on various networks, including ABC News, CNBC, and AP News. For those who missed the live broadcast, the debate can be streamed online through these news outlets’ websites.

Key Takeaways

The debate highlighted the stark differences between Trump and Harris on key issues such as immigration, abortion, and the economy. Harris emphasized her commitment to protecting the rights of women, immigrants, and the middle class, while Trump defended his presidency and pledged to continue his hardline stance



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