Titanic and Lord of the Rings actor Bernard Hill dies

Titanic and Lord of the Rings actor Bernard Hill dies

Elise Artigau 12:29 p.m., May 6, 2024

Bernard Hill died this Sunday, May 5 at the age of 79. He played King Théoden in Lord of the Rings and the captain of the Titanic, Edward Smith. His agent announced his death to the BBC, leaving many fans in mourning. His colleagues paid tribute to him, in memory of the filming shared together.

The actor Bernard Hill, who played King Théoden in the Lord of the Rings, died this Sunday, May 5 at the age of 79. Known for his legendary role in the fantasy trilogy, it is in Titanic that he had also stood out by donning the costume of the captain of the ship. He is the only actor to have played in two films with 11 Oscars. On social networks, his gaming colleagues paid him several tributes.

Successful roles

The Manchester-born actor leaves behind a 50-year career and numerous supporting roles. We might find it in Le Bounty de Roger Donaldson, The Scorpion King by Chuck Russell or Found Guilty by Clint Eastwood. Married to American actress Marianna Hill, she also worked in the film industry between the 1960s and 1980s.

On social networks, they are the interpreters of Hobbits, his companions on the screen Lord of the Rings, who paid tribute to him. “Farewell our friend, farewell our king, we will never forget you. He had a gentle heart. He was a king. And he always remained true to himself,” Frodo actor Elijah Wood said. in an Instagram post. Sean Austin and Billy Boyd at Liverpool Comic Con also made a dedication to him: “He was fearless. He was gruff. He was angry. No one said Tolkien’s words better than Bernard.” A great way to pay tribute to him.

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