TIROLER TAGESZEITUNG, leading article: “Land is required for tourism”, by Alois Vahrner, edition of Sunday, April 23, 2023

2023-04-22 20:00:36

After Corona, Tyrol’s tourism is back in full swing. Maintaining strength and turning off excesses – politics is required.

Innsbruck (OTS) It is unclear where the much apostrophized “Tyrolean Way” in tourism is supposed to go. In addition, trouble is brewing with the tourist tax.

Tyrol’s tourism is a decades-long success story. One that has brought the former agricultural country many billions in income and prosperity down to the remotest, formerly poor valleys. Unlike in many other regions in Europe, this has slowed down the flight from the tourist communities to the urban centers.
But even before Corona there were discussions regarding expansion and load limits. The much-vaunted hospitality faced a dwindling attitude towards tourism on the part of the population, especially in the Inntalfurche. A kind of alienation that was clearly evident years ago when the referendum was carried away to Olympia.
With Corona, the industry was brutally shut down for months. Now the rush of holidaymakers is as strong as before the pandemic. Like the crowds of guests, the old discussions and opposing positions are back. There’s an industry with a global reputation (this has now been shown once more by the successful Interalpin trade fair) that doesn’t want to be foolish, but want to invest further. There the calls to now put on an ecological brake (from traffic to various projects).
State politics meanders between these seemingly irreconcilable fronts. The “Tiroler Weg” resembles a slalom course in some of the problems. However, there is also an increasing need for action with regard to the EUR 120 million tourist tax, where a storm is brewing following the most recent Supreme Court decisions and growing criticism from other economic sectors. For some, tourism should always be a top priority, others called for their own provincial council. However and whoever: there is a need for action.

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#TIROLER #TAGESZEITUNG #leading #article #Land #required #tourism #Alois #Vahrner #edition #Sunday #April

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