Tiroler Tageszeitung, editorial, March 4, 2023 edition. By GABRIELE STARCK.”Ignorance will not save the world”.

Innsbruck (OTS) Ridiculed by many, condemned by some: But with the global climate strike on Friday, young people around the world once once more tried to shake up all those who still do not want to face the obvious.

There it was once more – the contempt for “truants who all have cell phones and end up going on vacation themselves”. A contempt that is only surpassed by the anger towards those who prevent you from getting ahead early in the morning because they stick to the street. Not even the fact that scientists have backed the actions of Fridays For Future or the Last Generation increases acceptance of the protests in science-skeptical Austria.
But with the reproaches and rants we are in fact only pasting up our own conscience and our senses. In order not to have to see or hear anything regarding what is going on there. But swiping away the obvious doesn’t help anymore. Climate change has already changed the world as we know it. This is now becoming clear to even the biggest skeptics. The lack of snow this winter was the first reason for tourism professionals to seriously consider alternatives to skiing in some regions. In recent years, all warnings regarding green slopes in the high season have been ridiculed.
But that’s not all: In Italy, France, Switzerland, but also in parts of Austria, farmers are already fearing a horror year. There has been no rain for weeks. Meteorologists warn of the second drought summer in a row. The levels of the most important watercourse in northern Italy, the Po, have been setting new negative records every spring for well over two years. Italy therefore announced a special commissioner for water shortages on Thursday. Irrigating gardens and washing cars are already prohibited in many French departments. In the Var department in southern France, the construction of swimming pools has been banned for the next five years.
Drought not only ruins winter leisure activities. It endangers the drinking water supply and food production. It’s an existential thing.
It’s human to wish that everything stays the way it is and not to want to say goodbye to habits you’ve grown fond of. But things have long since changed. Denying that doesn’t help. Climate stickers and climate demonstrators are not over-the-top weirdos and certainly not terrorists. They just want to encourage people to do everything to keep the world livable and worth living in.

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