TIROLER TAGESZEITUNG AM SUNDAY “Editorial” edition from Sunday, October 1, 2023, by Gabriele Starck: “Shameful politics”

2023-09-30 20:00:35

Instead of Christian love for humanity, the heads of once large popular parties are sowing resentment and anger in Vienna and Berlin.

Innsbruck (OTS) Statesmanship is different. Christian anyway. The verbal slip-ups that the German CDU leader Friedrich Merz and ÖVP Chancellor Karl Nehammer make as top politicians are frightening – and not just because they have nothing to do with reality. The fact that rejected asylum seekers have their teeth fixed and thus takes away dentist appointments from Germans (Merz) is just as incorrect as Nehammer’s assumption that women end up in the poverty trap due to laziness. But for the sake of winning votes and clientele politics, the self-proclaimed Christian Democrats and Christian Socialists – and this includes the election campaigning CSU leader Markus Söder – are now playing people off once morest each other, feeding resentment and sowing hatred.
Anyone who is or would like to become head of government, like Merz, should make politics for all people and clearly distance themselves from the political agitation of the FPÖ or the German AfD once morest foreigners, people who think differently and critics.
Söder’s ingratiating thigh slaps in front of the core electorate or Nehammer’s disparaging comments regarding entire population groups may just be words. But they hurt, exclude and make the impact of measures actually taken once morest grievances fade.
Anyone who adopts the populists’ slogans should not be surprised if they play into their hands. The surveys in Austria and Germany speak for themselves. The gentlemen are doing nothing good for themselves, their party and certainly not for democracy – on the contrary.

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