TIROLER TAGESZEITUNG AM SONNTAG “Editorial” edition of Sunday, March 5, 2023, by Wolfgang Sablatnig: “The flexibility of test elections”

The party strategists are looking to Carinthia today. It’s just state elections. And yet they can say a lot.

Innsbruck, Vienna (OTS) State elections are grateful – at least for those who are not fighting for votes and mandates themselves. You can cheer on election day. And then they can decide whether they want the result to have meaning beyond the state in question.
“It’s only state elections,” it says. It’s mostly the losers and their friends who say that.
Also popular: “State elections have their own laws.” The saying is not wrong: List Fritz only exists in Tyrol. In Carinthia, Gerhard Köfer plays his own role between social policy and right-wing populism.
Hardly anyone, on the other hand, likes the saying regarding the “test elections”. Then the winners would also have to admit that they had election workers in Vienna. That only pleased the Turkish heads of state when Sebastian Kurz gave them flights of fancy. Now the turquoise-black crashes follow in the next round of voting.
Only state elections? ÖVP boss Karl Nehammer lies to himself if he should talk his way out of it.
Only state elections? SPÖ leader Pamela Rendi-Wagner must hope that the SPÖ does not lose too much and that the red leadership debate is not further heated.
Only state elections? The Greens have so far made little profit from their participation in the federal government.
Only state elections? It doesn’t matter how the FPÖ performs in Carinthia: In any case, you can continue to rely on the mistakes of others.
Only state elections? Perhaps. Anyone who excuses themselves and closes their eyes to the big trends is making it too easy for themselves.

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